Category: Lifestyle

Cultivating Fertility through Nutrition: Enhancing Egg Quality for the Future

Women who are attempting to get pregnant or who intend to freeze their eggs are curious about how to increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and healthy eggs. The caliber of the eggs that are generated by the ovaries is one of the elements that influences fertility and pregnancy. Egg quality means the eggs’ capacity to […]

Want to know which parenting style to adopt? Dive right in!

The way we care for our children and the environment that we cultivate affects various domains of our children’s lives, whether psychological, social, or even academic. Most importantly, this affects the kind of adults they will grow up to be. A deeper understanding of parenting styles becomes vital so you can be more sensitive while […]

Women’s Reservation Bill

“In our maiden ‘Women in Leadership’ report launched in September 2023, we highlighted the under-representation of women across academia, corporations and the shift in mindset needed to bring equal representation. Women make up half of the world’s population and are a formidable force with immense capabilities and unique perspectives, and yet they do not get […]

Nutrition Guidelines for Thalassemia Girls and Women: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the production of haemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. People with thalassemia require special attention to their diet to maintain optimal health and manage their condition effectively. This is true when it comes to thalassemia girls and women, as their nutritional needs may […]

Know What and How Pre-meal Nutrition

How Nutritious was your meal? This question might seem a little ambiguous. To bring things into perspective, let’s say that we get our dose of nutrition not just from the food we eat. Rather, a lot depends on the capability of the body to digest food and convert the nutrients into vital components and energy that the body […]

The ABCs of Balanced Nutrition: Adequacy, Balance, and Moderation

We have heard of nutrition and how it builds us. We may directly refer to the food we consume as the only focal point for providing us with nutrition on a pro-rata basis. This is not an accurate definition, as nutrition is the combined result of whatever food we consume, along with the process the body undergoes to convert this same food to energy and several crucial components that the body needs.  This […]

Warm Meals, Brighter Futures

How does providing one square meal affect an entire generation? Turns out that it can go beyond. A study published in Nature magazine found that while there were demonstrated benefits of India’s school mid-day meal program on student attendance, learning and nutrition levels, it was also likely to have carry over benefits to children of mothers who […]

How can you Control Overeating?

Food is the fuel your body needs – that’s true for every animal. But for humans, food goes beyond that. We have mastered the culinary arts – which means we don’t just eat food to sustain ourselves but to have an experience that’s enjoyable for our mouths, our palates and our souls. That comes with […]

Embracing the Future: Sustainable Gifting Trends Paving the Way

In a world where consumerism often prevails, there is a growing consciousness that transcends mere materialism. As we stand at the crossroads of environmental degradation and a burgeoning desire for change, the concept of  sustainable gifting is emerging as a beacon of hope. This paradigm shift not only reflects our commitment to the planet but also underscores […]

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