My first Period Story

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15/08/2003 – Independence Day that took away all of my freedom! I used to practice gymnastics actively during my school days. We were doing our final rehearsals for the Independence Day performance, and I accidentally fell while doing a handstand. My right hand had a major fracture on my wrist, plastered for 3 months. I could not perform in the main event, which was a different pain; To add to it while bathing me, my mom realized I had got my period.

She went to the bedroom to grab a pad. I was wearing my clothes in my room when she said she wants to come in. I said, “I won’t let you in! Just prompt me I will follow as you say.” She instructed me from the door, and I did it right the very first time! Every 15-20 minutes my mom with hot waterbag in her hand, kept asking me, are you feeling sick? Are you getting cramps? Do you have pain in your stomach? While I was sitting feeling guilty about missing the gymnastics performance, I felt her questions irritating at that time! Now, how badly I wish, someone asks me those questions again! And someone gets me that hot waterbag too! That’s my first-period story for you! 

Shared by : Nilshree.

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