Tag: depression

Overcoming Mental Health Challenges in the LGBTQ+ Community

People who have different gender or sexual identities from cisgender and heterosexual individuals fall under the LGBTQ+ community. It is an umbrella term used to identify individuals who identify differently or are still in the process of getting to know themselves. This community is however at high mental health risk. Studies say that LGBTQ+ are […]

Emotional Resilience

Days of darkness, nights that feel far too lonely,  A mind overburdened with fears and doubts,  Uncertainties of your mind, only.  In my work as an educator & entrepreneur, I come across heartbreaking stories of children and adults who are silently sinking into the darkness of depression and anxiety. Their fear of their fears, their […]

The Impact of Social Media on Women’s Mental Health

In the age of digital connectivity, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and connect with others. However, alongside its many benefits, social media platforms have also been associated with certain negative effects on mental health, particularly for women. In this blog, we […]

It is Okay to Not Be Okay

In a world where society frequently places a premium on presenting pleasure and winning, it is critical to recognise the importance of mental health and promote awareness about it. The slogan “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” symbolises the compassionate understanding required to accompany persons who may be hurting silently. Many people battle inner demons […]

Nurturing Mental Health: Unraveling the State of Mental Well-being in India

Introduction: As we observe Mental Health Month, it is essential to shed light on the state of mental well-being in India. Mental health is a vital aspect of overall wellness, affecting individuals, families, and communities. India, with its rich cultural diversity and a population exceeding 1.3 billion, grapples with a myriad of challenges related to […]

Beacon of Strength

My husband and I had very lucrative jobs in Mumbai, we were living the dream!! 2021 was a tumultuous year for everyone but its impact on my family was devastating as it broke its backbone.   My father succumbed to COVID in 2021 and my mother was grappling in the ICU for months as her lungs were […]

Mental Health of Indian Women: Overcoming Barriers and Empowering Self-Care

Introduction: Mental health issues among women in India are a pressing concern, with significant implications for individual and community well-being. On the occasion of Mental Health Month, it is essential to acknowledge the unique challenges that women face and highlight the need for awareness, support, and self-care. This article delves into the state of mental […]


Examining the Effects of Mental Health Issues on Teenagers Educational Attainment The 21st century has brought with it great strides in the progress, development, and advancement of civilization. Technology has cemented its necessity, purpose, and importance in the functioning of society as a whole. The 21st century has also birthed Gen-Z and the millennials a population of […]

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