Tag: women

अकेले हैं तो क्या गम है

68 वर्षीय कुसुमजी बहुत चुस्तदुरुस्त एक्टिव महिला थीं परंतु अचानक  पति के बिछोह ने मानों उनकी दुनिया ही उजाड़ दी . बेटा अमेरिका ले जाने को तैयार था परंतु वहाँ की लाइफ स्टाइल वह देख चुकी थीं . वह दुनिया से कट कर उदास,  बीमार …जीवन के सभी रंगों से मुँह मोड़ कर जिंदा लाश […]

“Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam Bill”

” Dr. Preeti Singh, Advocate Partner at PS law Advocates & Solicitors “ After a long wait of 27 years, the Lok Sabha has passed “Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam Bill” in its special session on 20.09.2023. Though, by virtue of 73rd. and 74th amendment of the Constitution of India, one-third seats were already reserved for […]

“Navigating the Storm: Menopause’s Profound Impact on Women’s Mental and Physical Health”

The natural biological process known as menopause, which signals the end of a woman’s reproductive years, is a major life transition that has an impact on women in several ways. Not only can it affect the end of menstruation, but it can also have a significant impact on a woman’s physical and mental health. In […]

“The Rhythm of Tradition: Women Dhakis at Pandals in Hong Kong and Nigeria This Puja”

Celebrations for Durga Puja have long included the mesmerizing beats of the dhak, a traditional drum from Bengal. This yearly celebration, which honours Goddess Durga’s victory over the demonic Mahishasura, is distinguished by lively celebrations, artistic pandal decorations, and cultural expressions that unite people from various backgrounds. But in remote regions of the world, Puja takes on a distinctive twist as women dancers known as […]

Fostering Inclusivity: Creating a Supportive Environment for Women in Real Estate

The world of real estate has long been dominated by men. An industry that is responsible for building homes for a population where women make up almost 50% must adopt an inclusive approach, striving to have as many women in leadership positions. As per statistics, women make up 33% of the workforce in India, while men are […]

How Social Media Impacts Women’s Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the way we communicate, share, and connect with the world. Despite its undeniable advantages, it’s imperative to acknowledge the profound influence it wields over our mental well-being. Within this intricate landscape, the impact of social media on women’s mental health emerges as an issue of escalating concern. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Social Media & Digital Detox […]

मैं स्त्री हूं

मैं स्त्री हूँ जग की जननी हूँ सृष्टिकर्ता हूँ परंतु विडम्बना देखो…. अपनी ही रचना ‘पुरुषों’ के हाथों सदा से छली जाती रही हूँ मेरी अस्मिता से खेलता है रौंदता है…. मसलता है ….. अस्तित्व को नकार कर उस पर बलपूर्वक राज करना चाहता है मैं स्त्री हूँ जन्मते ही दोयम् बन जाती हूँ ‘बेटी […]

Know About Important Supplements For Women

Here, we tell you about the vital supplements that women need. Read on to know more about this, and follow the dosage directions given by the expert only. The nutritional needs of women undergo alterations as they progress through different stages of life. Are you aware? Teenagers require different nutrients than women who have hit menopause, while pregnant and breastfeeding women require larger quantities of specific nutrients […]


Durga is here, annual homecoming As we say, during Autumn to share Her time aura, blessings, For us Women to feel her shakti, positivity. Durga teaches patience, wait, wait For the right time, it will come! Determination to do it, focus on Your goals, work steadily, quietly Go ahead firmly, persistently, She stands by you, cheering! Epitome […]

The triumphs of women in the clean energy sector, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world

The clean energy sector isn’t simply changing how we use energy; it is changing the narrative of gender disparity in a traditionally male-dominated landscape. Today, we celebrate the successes of determined women working hard to create a fair and sustainable future for everyone. These trailblazers are barrier-breakers and use renewable energy to show that women are crucial in guiding the world toward a cleaner and greener […]

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