Tag: womenshine

Collab Event

#womenshine #kathachaupal EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT Womenshine X KathaChaupaal ‘Navratri is on and Dussehra is around the corner’Katha Chaupaal in collaboration with Womenshine, a Global Digital Magazine brings to you the exclusive ‘learn in a fun manner’ workshop for children in Lucknow🤩🤩 DATE: 22ND OCTOBER’23TIME: 4PM TO 6.30PM REGISTER NOW !!!!! This workshop includes:-*Introduction of nine forms […]

Cover Story| Ruche Mittal

Meet Ruche, an entrepreneur and the visionary Founder of HEN – Her Entrepreneurial Network, a dynamic Partner at Studio Red, and a driving force behind a revolution in the world of women entrepreneurs. Ruche’s journey began in the exhilarating early 2000s when she first dipped her toes into the world of freelancing as a Graphic […]

वह लड़की

नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के एक नंबर प्लेट फार्म पर 25 वर्षीय हैण्डसम आरव अपनी ट्रेन की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था । सर्दी अपने शबाब पर थी , शाम के 7 बजे थे परंतु कुहासे और ठंड के कारण प्लेटफॉर्म  पर पूरी तरह सन्नाटा पसरा हुआ था … कोहरे के कारण ट्रेन एक – एक […]

मैं स्त्री हूं

मैं स्त्री हूँ जग की जननी हूँ सृष्टिकर्ता हूँ परंतु विडम्बना देखो…. अपनी ही रचना ‘पुरुषों’ के हाथों सदा से छली जाती रही हूँ मेरी अस्मिता से खेलता है रौंदता है…. मसलता है ….. अस्तित्व को नकार कर उस पर बलपूर्वक राज करना चाहता है मैं स्त्री हूँ जन्मते ही दोयम् बन जाती हूँ ‘बेटी […]

Know About Important Supplements For Women

Here, we tell you about the vital supplements that women need. Read on to know more about this, and follow the dosage directions given by the expert only. The nutritional needs of women undergo alterations as they progress through different stages of life. Are you aware? Teenagers require different nutrients than women who have hit menopause, while pregnant and breastfeeding women require larger quantities of specific nutrients […]

Nithila Das: Breaking all Barriers in Racing Circuit

At the age of 13, while most kids are juggling between school homework and enjoying the dawn of ‘teen years’, Nithila Das stands out as a remarkable young talent with her eyes firmly set on the Olympics. A motorbiking and cycling prodigy, she has already earned the title of the ‘Fastest Girl In India’ at the FIM Mini […]

Long Lasting perfumes: Nature La Aromas

Sanjeev Dwivedi the driving force behind Nature La Aromas, embarked on a remarkable journey to inspire lives through his range of perfumes. He left behind a 22-year corporate career to pursue his passion. The fragrances from Nature La Aromas are inspired by well-known scents, mirroring their quality without carrying the exact same price tag due to […]

World Mental Health Day: Mental Health is a Universal Human Right

We are complex and beautiful beings, each with a mind of our own. We think and feel things differently and in a variety of ways. Despite these differences, we all have the same rights. Along the same lines, people with mental health issues have the right to be included in the community, get access to […]

Empowering Women Leaders in Architecture

In the dynamic world of architecture, a subtle yet powerful shift is underway, challenging the historically male-dominated domain. Women are increasingly assuming leadership roles, bringing fresh perspectives to the field. This paradigm shift brings a more diverse representation to the field while providing a wealth of innovative ideas and approaches. The interplay of different perspectives fosters a […]

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