Is it worth the hype to feel the excessive pressure of fitting in every day? The amount of hours and labour that goes into making us nearly a perfect faultless version of ourselves, taking into account the beauty and behavioural standards of this generation is equitably pathetic. Women are always told to look perfect in every way. However, if one appears to give importance to their appearance they are considered to be superficial or vain. It is utterly degrading to hear that women are made to follow specific beauty standards which compromise them from losing their personality and character.
Apart from these exploitations, there are necessities without which women are inhibited to feel inferior. The copious taboos of being married at a certain age to being dominated by men in every endeavour to prioritize their family over their career have exerted their influence on the lifestyle of millions. This practice continues in the various educated household as well where women are defied of the privileges of Education and financing themselves.

TV commercials, cinema, and social media are also making an impact on slimming down their chances of changing. Using women as items of lust in movies, promoting unhealthy body image and beauty standards, promoting products that confide women only to a kitchen are some of the prominent malpractices that take place daily.
However, there are several independent, wise and strong women out there who are fighting for the cost of their rightful freedom to succeed. Women are backing jobs, achieving posts, flying aircraft, working for the welfare of our community, and attaining an enormously favourable outcome! It is time to make our community realize what feminism means.
It is time to change the stereotypical rules and norms of society which still exist. women shouldn’t always be the ones who adjust their ways for others, it is time for people to substitute their exquisitely toxic and demeaning notions of women and replace them with some respect and dignity.
Written by : Shreena Singh

Author’s bio Sheena is an enigmatic and a feminist who is striving towards an egalitarian society