Category: Whats Trending

Building Women-Friendly Work Environments – What Works and what doesn’t

It is important to create a work environment that is gender friendly in order to establish a healthy, productive and inclusive workplace. This atmosphere should be without prejudice and discrimination, which guarantees every employees importance as well as respect. Following are the key strategies for achieving this and typical pitfalls that need to be avoided: What Works Developing […]

Crafting a New Narrative for Women in the Indian Jewelry Industry

The Indian jewelry industry, a cornerstone of the country’s cultural heritage and economic landscape, has long been synonymous with artistry, craftsmanship, and tradition. However, the narrative surrounding this sector has historically been male-dominated, with women often relegated to peripheral roles. Today, this narrative is changing as women become influential creators, leaders, and entrepreneurs in addition […]

Why Now is the Best Time to Establish Your Aviation Business in India

Empowering Women to Soar in Aviation The aviation industry in India is undergoing remarkable growth, presenting a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs, especially women, to establish their aviation businesses. Here’s why it’s an excellent time to enter this dynamic field: 1. Exponential Market Growth India is set to become the third-largest aviation market by 2025, with […]

Women in the Workforce: Top Roles in India, Gigin’s research

Gigin, India’s leading tech platform connecting informal workers to employers, has released exciting data highlighting an unprecedented influx of female participation across multiple job roles. The platform has witnessed significant growth of 100x in the number of female participants compared to previous years the number of women is on the rise. Increase in female gig […]

How you see yourself influences your color preference!

Whoever thought along these lines? But the title intrigued Ankita (my student friend) and me, and it set the premise for our discussion. Deliberating color preferences, Ankita related to research’s conclusions that stated that 3–12-year-old girls have a greater fascination for pink. She described how this was reflected in her own room, which was designed […]

Embracing Identity: Navigating LGBTQ+ Struggles in Academia

In the quiet corners of Alliance University, where the rustling of leaves and the sight of green also has a small portion of whispered confessions from troubled individuals, that unfolds a profound narrative. As a psychologist who comes across these stories, I am entrusted with tales of courage, resilience, and profound struggles faced by students […]

A Coat of Many Colors

For a country with one of the youngest and most diverse populations – maintaining true inclusion where everyone feels equal, valued and empowered remains a constant challenge. As much as 36% of LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination and 65% tread with caution in the workplace. These figures are more than statistics—they are the silent echoes of […]

Reiki and Manifestation: Using Energy Healing to Attract Abundance and Fulfillment

Reiki and manifestation are two powerful tools that, when combined, can significantly enhance one’s ability to attract abundance and fulfilment. Reiki, a form of energy healing, involves the transfer of universal life force energy through the hands of a practitioner to a recipient, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Manifestation, on the other hand, is […]

Pride month: Legal victories and highlighting ongoing battles

Pride Month is a time for celebration, reflection, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. In India, the journey toward equality has seen significant legal victories, yet numerous challenges persist. This article delves into the recent legal amendments, the strides made, and the battles still being fought by the community in India. Legal Victories: Progress […]

Why are more consumers turning to buying whole spices instead of powdered spices?

For decades, the convenience of ground spices reigned in kitchens. However, a recent trend has seen a resurgence in the popularity of whole spices. This shift reflects a growing consumer desire to retain the freshness of the spices while exercising control over flavour, freshness, and quality. In this article, let’s delve deeper into why whole […]

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