Tag: womenleaders

Crafting a New Narrative for Women in the Indian Jewelry Industry

The Indian jewelry industry, a cornerstone of the country’s cultural heritage and economic landscape, has long been synonymous with artistry, craftsmanship, and tradition. However, the narrative surrounding this sector has historically been male-dominated, with women often relegated to peripheral roles. Today, this narrative is changing as women become influential creators, leaders, and entrepreneurs in addition […]

Empowering Change: Female Developers Revolutionizing Indian Real Estate through Green and Eco-Friendly Investments

As Oprah Winfrey aptly puts it, “Think like a queen. A queen isn’t fearful of failing. Failure is a step towards greatness.” This perfectly describes the development that female builders are taking in India who aren’t only stepping stones but are advancing into making real estate more sustainable by investing in green and sustainable investment. The entrepreneurial ecosystem in India has seen a dramatic change, […]

How Women Entrepreneurs Are Paving the Way for More Diverse and Inclusive Business Environments

The world of entrepreneurship is no longer the sole preserve of men. Across a wide range of sectors, women entrepreneurs have shattered glass ceilings and made their mark in traditionally male- dominated arenas – establishing and scaling ventures that are at the forefront of innovation. As an increasing number of female leaders take their seats […]

Disrupting the Norm: How Female Entrepreneurs Are Revolutionizing Industries?

The world is witnessing an evolution with female entrepreneurs leading the front and revolutionizing how we think regarding businesses. As per the study conducted by the Edelgive Foundation, female-governed organisations tend to increase by 90% in India, transcending projections in the UK (24%) and the US (50%). They also determined that 20% of the present-day […]

Beyond Stereotypes: Women Taking the Lead in Financial Management

In today’s world, it is paramount for women to understand the intricacies of money management. Despite being natural experts in handling household finances and adept at saving for rainy days, women often shy away from understanding financial concepts. This reluctance is rooted in societal norms that have historically relegated financial decision-making to men. However, it’s […]

Pioneering Progress: Women Shaping the Future of Leadership

In boardrooms, across industries, and on the global stage, women are increasingly asserting their presence and making waves in executive leadership positions. From tech giants to financial institutions, from healthcare to entertainment, from hospitality to facility management the narrative of leadership is undergoing a profound transformation as women ascend to the highest echelons of collaboration and influence. Today, women are breaking barriers, reshaping traditional norms, […]

Pre Budget Quote by Ms. Shivani Priyam Patel

“As a woman entrepreneur leading Assotech Group, I eagerly anticipate the forthcoming 2024 budget in India with a sense of optimism and anticipation. The real estate sector plays a pivotal role in the nation’s economic growth, and I believe that the budget will present valuable opportunities to further catalyze our industry’s progress.Empowering women in entrepreneurship is a cause close […]

How Will AI Impact Women in the Workplace

In 2024, Generative AI can be used to write code, conceptualize product designs, produce marketing content, optimize operations, facilitate customer service, and significantly hasten scientific research and discovery. That’s a lot of work it can automate. It can be used on its own or with people overseeing the process. How will AI impact women at […]

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