Tag: WomenEmpowerment

Strategies for Success: Female Leadership changing the PR Landscape

In recent years, the public relations industry has witnessed a significant transformation, driven by the rise of female leaders who are reshaping its landscape. Women in PR are not just making strides; they are leaving an indelible mark on the industry. From India to the global stage, their influence is palpable, redefining traditional notions of […]


“WEXchange” is a strong and dynamic name for a Community supporting women. It conveys the idea of exchange, collaboration, and empowerment. The “W” can stand for “Women” or “Women’s,” which makes the Community focus clear. Additionally, the word “exchange” implies the sharing of knowledge, resources, and support among women entrepreneurs and professionals. Overall, “WEXchange” is catchy, memorable, […]

The Intersection of Women’s Mental Health and Circadian Rhythms in a 24/7 World

Considering the ambiguous lines between day and night in today’s 24/7 environment, it is critical to comprehend the complex interplay between women’s mental health and circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms, or internal body clocks, control the sleep-wake cycle and affect various physiological functions, including mood management. Circadian rhythms also greatly impact mental health. Women have specific […]


Setting boundaries, and saying NO can be challenging for most people, irrespective of their gender. However, the guilt, fear, and shame of saying NO is very common for women. Women are taught from childhood to be quiet, polite, giving, caring, nurturing and the list goes on. The whole idea of not wanting to hurt people’s […]

Beyond Stereotypes: Women Taking the Lead in Financial Management

In today’s world, it is paramount for women to understand the intricacies of money management. Despite being natural experts in handling household finances and adept at saving for rainy days, women often shy away from understanding financial concepts. This reluctance is rooted in societal norms that have historically relegated financial decision-making to men. However, it’s […]

Pioneering Progress through Evolution of Women’s Leadership in Corporate Culture

A significant transformation is underway in the realm of corporate culture, heralded by the rising influence of women in leadership positions. This is not merely a welcome change from a statistical perspective, but also signifies a profound cultural and systemic shift within the corporate landscape. Studies consistently underscore the multifaceted benefits brought about by women […]

Super Mentor | Sreelakshmi

Sreelakshmi Kulkarni, a Momentor, Educator, and twin mom faced a life-altering moment during the COVID era when her husband was hospitalized. She sought coaching, jobless and uncertain about the future with twin kids, leading to increased courage and confidence. Finding a flexible work-from-home job and investing in her dream home, she realized her discontent witnessing […]

Redefining Female Leadership: Rutvi Sheth

Rutvi Sheth’s leadership at Advait Infratech is a prime example of how women are redefining the dynamics of the corporate world. Her initiatives for gender equality, mentorship, flexible working arrangements, and inclusive culture demonstrate a commitment to creating a workplace where women are not just participating but leading and thriving. Under Rutvi’s guidance, Advait Infratech is setting a […]

Pioneering Progress: Women Shaping the Future of Leadership

In boardrooms, across industries, and on the global stage, women are increasingly asserting their presence and making waves in executive leadership positions. From tech giants to financial institutions, from healthcare to entertainment, from hospitality to facility management the narrative of leadership is undergoing a profound transformation as women ascend to the highest echelons of collaboration and influence. Today, women are breaking barriers, reshaping traditional norms, […]

From Homemakers to Breadwinners: How Indian Women Are Redefining Their Place in Society

The specific opportunities and problems that come with navigating the business world as a woman entrepreneur. The number of women starting their businesses has increased drastically, due to their desire for freedom, autonomy, and to pursue their passion projects. The capacity to provide a variety of perspectives and creative solutions is one of the biggest […]

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