Tag: GenderEquality

Building Women-Friendly Work Environments – What Works and what doesn’t

It is important to create a work environment that is gender friendly in order to establish a healthy, productive and inclusive workplace. This atmosphere should be without prejudice and discrimination, which guarantees every employees importance as well as respect. Following are the key strategies for achieving this and typical pitfalls that need to be avoided: What Works Developing […]

How businesses can support LGBTQ+ employees and consumers

Every June, Social Media erupts in a vibrant display of rainbows as Pride Month takes centre stage. Businesses unfurl rainbow flags, launch limited-edition Pride merchandise, conduct sensitization sessions, panel discussions and a lot more. While this outward celebration is commendable, true LGBTQIA+ inclusion requires a deeper commitment that extends far beyond a single month. Creating […]

Pioneering Sustainable Growth and Women’s Empowerment: Suvarna Bhat

Meet Suvarna Bhat, a mompreneur with a mission to empower communities, especially women in tier 2 and 3 cities, to thrive beyond survival. As the Founder of IIPL Consulting, Co-founder of Shreemz, and Founder of Bhoomiputri by Kadamba, she champions sustainable well-being. Suvarna’s career is a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit, inspiring leadership, and unwavering commitment to creating lasting social impact. Her passion project focuses […]

Strategies for Success: Female Leadership changing the PR Landscape

In recent years, the public relations industry has witnessed a significant transformation, driven by the rise of female leaders who are reshaping its landscape. Women in PR are not just making strides; they are leaving an indelible mark on the industry. From India to the global stage, their influence is palpable, redefining traditional notions of […]

Disrupting the Norm: How Female Entrepreneurs Are Revolutionizing Industries?

The world is witnessing an evolution with female entrepreneurs leading the front and revolutionizing how we think regarding businesses. As per the study conducted by the Edelgive Foundation, female-governed organisations tend to increase by 90% in India, transcending projections in the UK (24%) and the US (50%). They also determined that 20% of the present-day […]

How Online Financial Training and Coaching Programs Are Bridging The Gender Finance Gap in India

In a country like India, where economic disparities and gender inequality still pose significant challenges, online financial training and coaching programs have emerged as powerful tools in bridging the gender finance gap. These programs are not just educational resources; they are catalysts for empowerment, enabling women to take control of their financial futures. Let’s see how these programs are transforming women’s lives, instilling financial literacy, and fostering a community of educated and empowered women. Empowering Women Through Financial Literacy Traditionally, financial literacy […]


Setting boundaries, and saying NO can be challenging for most people, irrespective of their gender. However, the guilt, fear, and shame of saying NO is very common for women. Women are taught from childhood to be quiet, polite, giving, caring, nurturing and the list goes on. The whole idea of not wanting to hurt people’s […]

Beyond Stereotypes: Women Taking the Lead in Financial Management

In today’s world, it is paramount for women to understand the intricacies of money management. Despite being natural experts in handling household finances and adept at saving for rainy days, women often shy away from understanding financial concepts. This reluctance is rooted in societal norms that have historically relegated financial decision-making to men. However, it’s […]

Levelling the Playing Field: Why Gender Equality Matters in the Workplace

Gender equality in the workplace is a fundamental principle that ensures equal job opportunities, fair treatment, and inclusivity for all employees, regardless of gender. It’s about fostering an environment where individuals, regardless of their gender identity, are empowered to access the same resources, receive comparable treatment, and contribute their unique perspectives towards a collective goal. This […]

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Strategies for Overcoming Gender Bias in Indian Business Culture

India, a land of rich history and vibrant culture, faces a paradox when it comes to women in the workforce. While the nation boasts a growing female entrepreneurial ecosystem, deeply ingrained gender biases often act as roadblocks on their journeys to success. Primarily due to societal perceptions that confine them to domestic roles. However, the […]

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