Category: Travel

Embrace the Extraordinary: Unique and Quirky Festivals from Around the World

In every corner of the globe, people come together to celebrate in ways that are as diverse as they are colorful. From throwing tomatoes in Spain to vibrant color battles in India, these festivals showcase the rich tapestry of human culture and creativity. Let’s explore some of the most unique and quirky festivals that will […]

OfTheRoad: A Detour to Reconnect with Soul

In the symphony of life, we often find ourselves lost in the mechanical rhythm of corporate routines. The heartbeat of our true selves becomes faint amidst the clamour of deadlines and meetings. This is the story of Oftheroad, a sanctuary for the soul, born from a longing to rediscover the art of living. As an […]

En-route India – Mount Kailash Manasarovar Parikrama (Resurgent India’s Pilgrim Pathfinder)

Kailash Manasarovar is undoubtedly the “Mother of Pilgrimages” for the 1.2 billion Hindus globally. Why only Hindus? This sacred high Himalayan pilgrimage has touched the heart, soul and minds of the discerning world travellers, irrespective of their religious beliefs. The majestic Mount Kailash  is the residence of Lord Shiva and Lake Manasarovar is where his holy consort Mata […]

The Journey of a Solo Traveler and Her Four-Legged Companion: The Furgetaway Experience

Travel has always been more than just a passion for me; it’s been a lifeline, a source of joy, and a path to healing. Since 2016, I’ve embraced the freedom and discovery that solo travel brings, each destination etching unforgettable memories on my heart. But in 2021, after the world began to heal from the […]

Kumaon Himalayas – Indigenously Inspiring and Immersive

As the world strides into the final stretch of 2023, there is an all enveloping awareness of a world that is veering more and more towards “Planet and People First” phenomenon, with the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, magnetised by the mighty Himalayas, truly evolving as New India’s most preferred Conscious Travel destination.  In the days of […]

Wood Villas – Mountain Retreat with a Difference

“The best things in life are the people we love, the places we have been and the memories we make along the way”; If that be so, the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, popularly referred to as “Devbhumi” or the abode of Gods is indeed at the forefront, positioning itself as “New India’s” ultimate Wellness Tourism hotspot.Uttarakhand […]

Dubai: A City of Skyscrapers, Sands, and Starlight Serenity

Dubai. The name evokes images of audacious ambition, not just in its towering structures but in its very essence. This Middle Eastern metropolis isn’t just a playground for the wealthy; it’s a captivating tapestry woven with threads of ancient tradition and the relentless march of progress. Here, the vast Arabian Desert meets the clouds, and […]

Kendy, Sri Lanka | Every Traveller’s Desire

Stepping into Kendy, Sri Lanka, was like stepping into a living postcard. Vibrant markets burst with colours and aromas, friendly chatter filled the air, and lush greenery unfolded around every corner. My relaxed exploration took me through various facets of this captivating town, leaving me with a heart full of wonder. A quick dip into the […]

The Land of Midnight Sun: NORWAY

The land of the midnight sun, Norway, is the most scenic and prosperous of the Scandinavian countries.Historically, Norway has been ruled by Swedes and Danes for a long. In 1905, the country became an independent, sovereign nation after the Swedes left. Norwegians are proud of their history. The official name of Norway is – “The […]

Wanderlust Well-being: Women’s Travel Preferences in 2024

It is the call of the world, and women are responding. 2024 is looking to be a huge year for travel after years of constraints and reflection, especially for women looking for experiences that feed their bodies, minds, and souls. This is about life-changing experiences that put wellbeing first and leave enduring memories—not just about […]

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