Tag: innovation

Father-Son trio who are making impact in their business endeavours

In the dynamic world of recreation and hospitality, Wonder Valley Recreations and Hospitality Private Limited. stands as a symbol for innovation and excellence in the tourism space. At its helm is Mr. Akmal Sheriff, the Managing Director, whose visionary leadership has been instrumental in the company’s success. With an impressive background spanning 25 years in […]

Disrupting the Norm: How Female Entrepreneurs Are Revolutionizing Industries?

The world is witnessing an evolution with female entrepreneurs leading the front and revolutionizing how we think regarding businesses. As per the study conducted by the Edelgive Foundation, female-governed organisations tend to increase by 90% in India, transcending projections in the UK (24%) and the US (50%). They also determined that 20% of the present-day […]

The Intersection of Tradition and Innovation, Vision for the Future of Luxury Jewellery

Tradition and innovation have been carefully balanced in the luxury jewellery industry for centuries. As we approach a new era, the future of luxury jewellery beckons, promising a harmonious fusion of traditional workmanship and state-of-the-art technology. This convergence envisions driving jewellery-making toward a dynamic and exciting future while preserving its rich legacy Preserving Craftsmanship: The […]

Breaking Barriers: Indian Women Entrepreneurs Leading Innovation”

Swagatika Das – Nat Habit As the CEO and Co-Founder, Swagatika Das brings a unique blend of technical expertise and entrepreneurial vision to Nat Habit, a skincare brand committed to delivering freshly made, 100% natural beauty & wellness products. After dedicating over five years as an engineer, the IIT-KGP graduate made a bold transition to […]

Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies: Driving Growth and Innovation

Entrepreneurship has emerged in recent years as a powerful lever of growth in emerging economies. An encouraging trend associated with this has been the high levels of participation from women entrepreneurs in this wave. A report by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor published last year revealed that 17% of working-age women in developing countries are already engaged in business, with another 35% aspiring to do the […]

Health Communication Franchise: Empowering Health through Creative Engagement

Health communication often starts as “unsought content,” only becoming “sought content” when individuals actively seek it during health crises. Recognizing this dynamic, it’s imperative for health organizations and professionals to proactively deliver timely, reliable information. Leveraging Content Marketing for Health Education Harnessing storytelling and artistic expression as tools for health education offers a potent approach to public health campaigns. Narratives, art, music, and performance can captivate audiences, […]

A Journey towards Self-Discovery: Shwetanjili Srivastava

Born into a family of bankers, Shwetanjali was raised with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Her mother, an accomplished businesswoman, has successfully run her furnishing boutique for the past 35 years. From a young age, Shwetanjali displayed exceptional academic prowess, consistently earning accolades such as the Student of the Year award. With a natural inclination towards […]

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