Father-Daughter Saga of Love

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Growing up, I had a front-row seat to an extraordinary journey. My dad, at just 16 years old, left everything behind and moved to Hong Kong with nothing but a pocketful of dreams and an iron will. He had no resources, no money—just a burning desire to provide for his parents and three brothers. He toiled away, day and night, in a foreign land, facing countless hardships and sleepless nights, driven by an unwavering commitment to build a better future.

During my summer holidays, I would join him at his office, a bustling hub of activity. I watched in awe as he navigated the chaos with skill and determination, his presence commanding respect and admiration. Those moments were electric, filled with a palpable sense of purpose and ambition. I knew then that I wanted to follow in his footsteps, to carve out my own path with the same relentless spirit. The phrase ‘fire in your belly’ describes us perfectly, and I proudly carry that flame he ignited within me.

When the idea for DiAi Designs sparked in my mind, my father was the first person I turned to. I remember the moment vividly, my heart pounding with excitement and fear. Without a second of hesitation, he said, “Go for it, but if you’re afraid to work hard, don’t bother.” His words were like a lifeline, offering both support and a challenge. He believed in me, and that belief became my strength.

DiAi Designs is my creation, my passion, but having my father as a support system has been the cornerstone of my journey. His guidance has been invaluable, and his wisdom, forged through years of hard work and sacrifice, has been my compass. While many hear stories of father-son duos discussing money matters, profits, and investments, it’s been my father and I in those deep, intense conversations since day one.

Our story is one of shared dreams, relentless determination, and an unbreakable bond. It’s not just a tale of business success; it’s a father-daughter saga of love, legacy, and the extraordinary support that only a father can provide. Through every triumph and trial, his spirit has been my guide, his fire my fuel. This is our story—a testament to the power of dreams and the enduring strength of family.

Shared by: Disha Shah, 
Founder & Designer, DiAi Designs

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