Tag: health

The Increasing Demand for Gender Diversity in the Medical Industry

Gender diversity in the medical industry has become a critical issue in recent years, with a growing demand for more female doctors. The present times reflect a changing landscape, where the imperative for a more balanced workforce is becoming progressively clear. An encouraging trend has emerged in Indian medical education, where girls are increasingly outperforming boys in both the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test […]

“Navigating the Storm: Menopause’s Profound Impact on Women’s Mental and Physical Health”

The natural biological process known as menopause, which signals the end of a woman’s reproductive years, is a major life transition that has an impact on women in several ways. Not only can it affect the end of menstruation, but it can also have a significant impact on a woman’s physical and mental health. In […]

Stress and Heart Health: Managing the Silent Killer by FLAME University

In today’s relentless world, stress stealthily accompanies us, casting its shadow over our everyday endeavours. Though intermittent stress is a natural part of life, its insidious impact on our health, especially our hearts, cannot be ignored. Dubbed the “silent killer,” stress transcends mere mental strain, posing a grave threat to our cardiovascular health. A study at the University of California discovered that people with […]

How Social Media Impacts Women’s Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the way we communicate, share, and connect with the world. Despite its undeniable advantages, it’s imperative to acknowledge the profound influence it wields over our mental well-being. Within this intricate landscape, the impact of social media on women’s mental health emerges as an issue of escalating concern. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Social Media & Digital Detox […]

Promoting Healthy Eating Habits for Positive Behavioural Outcomes in Kids

Promoting healthy eating habits in children is essential for their overall well-being and positive behavioural outcomes. Establishing these habits early in life can set the foundation for a lifetime of good health. Some of the Strategies that can promote healthy eating habits in kids are: Lead by Example: Children often model their behaviour after adults. If they see you making healthy food choices and enjoying nutritious meals, […]

World Mental Health Day: Mental Health is a Universal Human Right

We are complex and beautiful beings, each with a mind of our own. We think and feel things differently and in a variety of ways. Despite these differences, we all have the same rights. Along the same lines, people with mental health issues have the right to be included in the community, get access to […]

Why Youth Is Facing Challenges – Causes, Warning Signs And Prevention

The mental health challenges faced by today’s youth are a grave concern, resulting from a complex interplay of societal, psychological, and environmental factors. The modern world imposes unprecedented pressures on the minds of young individuals, leading to a surge in stress, anxiety, and depression. According to a recent UNICEF report, one out of every seven Indians aged 15 to […]

World Heart Day 2023: Unlock a healthy heart by embracing the power of quality sleep-Learn about the transformative power of quality sleep for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2023 is a poignant reminder of the pivotal role that heart health plays in the lives of working women who often juggle multiple responsibilities while striving for excellence. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly, aiming for perfection in their professional and personal lives each day. However, amid the demands of their daily routines, […]

Health Communication Franchise: Empowering Health through Creative Engagement

Health communication often starts as “unsought content,” only becoming “sought content” when individuals actively seek it during health crises. Recognizing this dynamic, it’s imperative for health organizations and professionals to proactively deliver timely, reliable information. Leveraging Content Marketing for Health Education Harnessing storytelling and artistic expression as tools for health education offers a potent approach to public health campaigns. Narratives, art, music, and performance can captivate audiences, […]

Nutritional Deficiency Increases Malnutrition in Children

About 2.6% of India’s 5.6 crore children are severely malnourished. Smriti Irani, Women and Child Development Minister, revealed this concerning statistic during the Rajya Sabha question-answer session. Apart from this, the government’s ‘Poshan Tracker’ report for February 2023 further strengthened the present situation, confirming that 14,56,000 children in India are malnourished.  According to an official […]

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