Tag: hormones

Stress and Heart Health: Managing the Silent Killer by FLAME University

In today’s relentless world, stress stealthily accompanies us, casting its shadow over our everyday endeavours. Though intermittent stress is a natural part of life, its insidious impact on our health, especially our hearts, cannot be ignored. Dubbed the “silent killer,” stress transcends mere mental strain, posing a grave threat to our cardiovascular health. A study at the University of California discovered that people with […]

New Mom Struggles: Dealing with Postpartum Hair Loss

As dermatologists, we understand the concerns and challenges new moms face when dealing with postpartum hair loss. Postpartum hair loss, scientifically known as telogen effluvium, is a physiological response that occurs after childbirth. During pregnancy, high estrogen levels prolong the growth phase of the hair cycle, resulting in a reduced rate of hair shedding. However, hormone levels fluctuate after delivery, leading to a shift from the growing phase to the resting phase of the hair cycle. This transition causes excessive shedding, resulting in noticeable hair loss. Hormonal Factors Postpartum hair loss is primarily influenced by hormonal changes […]


Sunday supposedly the rest day turned into an extremely laborious workday for me. I had slept thenight before thinking that I would get up comfortably later than usual feeling like a regal queen butmy husband’s early rising hormone ruined my regal thoughts of sleeping late. On the contrary, myhusband rose at the first light of […]

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