Q1.I feel stuck and it’s been a while since I am feeling this way. I don’t see a point of doing anything and I don’t see a point of this life(I am not at all suicidal). This feeling has become a hindrance exploring my potentials be it in my career or in love life( which recently ended and I am furious and sad and anxious and have ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude consecutively). I am not happy with what I am. I want to be better, happy and want to achieve something for myself.
As you may have read it so many times that everything in life is impermanent, even Dalai Lama recently mentioned in an article, he also face good days and bad days from time to time. All he does is to watch the thought why did it arise, what triggered it, and then asking for forgiveness and letting it go to the universe to take care of it without reacting on it.
Taking 100% responsibility of what is happening in your life consciously or subconsciously, we all need to understand we attract certain thing in out life so that we learn from it, when lesson is learned you will see that pattern will also not come back.
Whole point of living is to learn from every single thing, learn the art of detachment and acceptance, Still have compassion and forgiveness in our heart.

- Kopal Srivastava- Tarot, Healer & Life coach
Q1. I always feel like others are superior to me. If I'm with someone I always ask this question to me that why this person wants to be with me there are other hot? -by Confidential
Ans: Dear Confidential,
Self Criticism happens when we do not receive enough validation in our childhood, if that is not provided by the peers and the family we become critical about our appearance and start pushing people away thinking that we are not good enough. But my dear beautiful soul, you are uniquely amazing and that’s why they are with you because they can see how amazing you are. You need to practice self love, write down 5 affirmations (ex- I am a strong and courageous woman) for yourself, everyday in the morning repeat it by looking in the mirror.
Q2. My husband has a drinking habit. He doesn’t create any drama upon drinking but drinks a lot. Due to which i have mental stress, I am not happy and this relationship which was once pure bliss has now turned really stressful. Will my husband and I be able to come out of it anytime??? -by Confidential
Ans: Dear Confidential,
Issues from the past have come back, something related to childhood and validation of doing well in life. To subside the pain he is drinking, as soon as He does these things drinking will go away :
- Let go of things which are not serving.
- Give him more validation.
- He has to practice self love.
- He is made for good things in life; he is pushing it away due to his own mind of staying at different places at one time.
Ans: Dear Confidential,
It’s amazing to know that you want to walk on the path of spirituality, to get inner peace, you need to train your brain for 21days doing lot of Meditation, Yoga, Chanting, Breath work.

– Kopal Srivastava- Tarot, Healer & Life coach
Q4. We are ttc for 3 years.... I m diagnosed with pcod now I have 3.3cm follicular cyst. N m lmp was 13march and from 2 months I have not seen it.
Ans : Since you have a overdue of 2 months, first I would advice to get UPT done. Send us its report. Can advice further after the report.

– Dr. Tanima Singhal
Q5. I always feel like I'm less than everybody in the room, because of this feeling I sometimes get nervous and hesitate in having a conversation with people..I start comparing myself with other people and think that why somebody want to be with me..
How can I overcome this and be confident in front of others?
Ans : I would recommend that you analyze why you think you are less than others – appearance (looks, dressing style, etc) or communication (ability to talk to strangers, communication style, and knowledge of English). Try to understand whether you are uncomfortable with a certain kind of people or everyone. You need to also see whether the complex that you have is a result of people mocking at you or passing remarks or something that you have been holding on to for a long time.
You need to understand that only when you appear confident, people will speak to you. Just be yourself and people will accept you the way you are. When we try to project something we are not, we are not comfortable and get a complex. You can to write affirmations and repeat them on a daily basis. Work on your self-confidence and start with smaller groups where you know people well and where you are comfortable. Make a list of your good attributes, your successes and why people should like you and stick that on your cupboard. Read that list every day.
A golden rule to remember is some will like you some won’t, so what?

–Nandita Pandey- Personal Branding & Image Consultant