Home Unbox Talent A Night Lighted!
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A Night Lighted!


Dear Journal

Gaming, something that occupies a big chunk of my schedule, something that repels boredom more than anything, and a stress buster better than any other! Whenever I sit to play, I get teleported to a magical planet full of heroic characters and feel as if I am one of them. Time in this realm slips away at the speed of light until “Ojas, it is time” jerks me into reality and I go on awaiting the next game time. 

But as the wise say, excess of anything is bad; gaming too brings with it the chance of getting the gamer those big, round Harry Potter glasses. When I tend to exceed my game time, I see myself as a geek with another set of eyes and balance my time like any other session in the day. It’s a good strategy for a multitasker like me, you know. 

However, today, I got up from my chair like any other normal day, had dinner, and went to binge (was a weekend) only to learn that the T.V wouldn’t work! I was annoyed and irritated about missing the movie I waited for about 2 months. But to my utter surprise, observing my puppy dog eyes and charmed by my attractive charm (just exaggerating), Mom allowed me another game time at midnight! I pinched myself for a moment and jeez I wasn’t dreaming! It was for real, a night lighted.


How I felt throughout: Overjoyed!

Someone I Observed: During my “Night Game time” I inquired from many if they always played at night. To my astonishment, most were connecting from abroad and the remaining oddly played at this time only!

Ojas Chopra

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