Wearing a Mask isn’t a new normal
It has had an existence eternal
Tangible, intangible both but irrefragable
Concealing myriad stories and fables
His loathe masked behind. pretentious beguile
Her welling tears hidden by an ostentatious smile
Her fear shrouded under overblown audacity
Her insignificance veiled with forged efficacy
His perfidy camouflaged by fond endearment
Infidelity stowed under diamonds exorbitant
A consolation for the eluding allegiance,
How magnificently she masks it all under a
the pretence of ignorance!
His or her can switch their roles in a trice
The mask will comfort either with no prejudice
The mask is our hero, the chevalier, the knight
It has saved so many alliances marred by spite
It has enshrouded, veiled, blanketed, and masked
Intricacies of love, lust, betrayal, and malice!
– Sonal