Home Teachers day Ms. Neera Sharma
Teachers day

Ms. Neera Sharma


When asked how would she sum up her journey from being an iconic Principal to a creative  entrepreneur, she smiled and quoted Bob Marley“Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually bad but it’s everything in between that makes it all worth living.” 

Indeed, the journey of Dr. Neera Sharmahas been incredible and inspiring. 

Being the only daughter of an Army Officer, she had to change school every two to three  years,which was not easy, but it helped in grooming her into an independent and confident  girl. She did her Post Graduation in Zoology from Punjabi University ,Patiala and had worked  as a senior research fellow in PGIMER with Dr BN Dutta in the Department of Pathology.  

After her marriage to Dr. Arvind Sharma MD (Medicine)she settled in Amritsar. She joined  DAV Public School, Lawrence Road Amritsar in 1982 as one of the founder teachers.Her hard  work and diligence led her to rise to the position of the headmistress and then gave her an  opportunity to be the founder principal of DAV International school, Verka bypass, Amritsar where she worked for eight years. She once again came back to her parent school but this  time as the principal and served it for fourteen years. 

With a vision of a reformer, she regularly contributed for the upliftment of economically  weaker sections by opening and supporting ventures like Nava Prerna and Nava Chetna.Many  prestigious organisations recognised her expertise in the field of education and had conferred  upon her many awards, DAV Gold Medal and CBSE Award for Teachers-2012 are to name a  few. 

Because of her excellence and diligence, she earned an extension in service for five years and  retired at the age of 65 years in 2020.  

An entrepreneur at heart,her new venture is a podcast “Neera Ki Naiya, in which she narrates stories for children, the subject closest to her heart, imparting moral values in a fun way. She  is still serving DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi as a manager of various DAV  Public Schools and is enjoying the evening of her life with a happy family replete with a bunch  of grandchildren who provide the elixir to her life.

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