Tag: fear

The Overthinking Loop

Some common reasons why individuals may find themselves caught in the overthinking loop: Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to excessive analysis and overthinking. The fear of making mistakes or not meeting high standards often drives individuals to ruminate on every detail, preventing them from taking action  Fear of failure: Overthinkers often have a deep fear […]

Emotional Resilience

Days of darkness, nights that feel far too lonely,  A mind overburdened with fears and doubts,  Uncertainties of your mind, only.  In my work as an educator & entrepreneur, I come across heartbreaking stories of children and adults who are silently sinking into the darkness of depression and anxiety. Their fear of their fears, their […]

नई उम्मीदें

भुला नहीं पाएंगे हम 20 और 21 साल को ,डरे डरे सहमे सहमे, सब लोगों के व्यवहार को ।सड़के सूनी हो गई थी, मानो रेगिस्तान का मैदान हो, पर चिड़ियों की आवाज चहक-चहक कर आती थी ,झरने की आवाज, गीत भी गुनगुनाती थी ।घर बैठकर हमने आनंद भी खूब उठाया था। अंताक्षरी खेल, रामायण देख […]


Celebrations! Baby girl arrivingA piece of heaven descending Upon ecstatic parents who are waiting Cooing, smiling and her eyes shining How euphoric and rewarding! n parental tenderness, blooming beautifully Inherent virtues, flourishing favourablyBuoyantly vibrant teenager, metamorphosing magically Lithe, lively lady moulding, unfolding gracefully How breathlessly beautiful, this transition so suddenly! Deft, determined lady emerging on […]


How many emotions can a person feel? Can everyone feel, or is there indifference? Indian dancers show us Nine, Navarasa ! An array of expressions, relatable, touching. Love that encompasses affection, intimacy, warmth, care Laughter, expression of joy, smiles and giggles Compassion is kindness for the lesser Anger more common than you’d believe If used […]

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