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वह लड़की

नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के एक नंबर प्लेट फार्म पर 25 वर्षीय हैण्डसम आरव अपनी ट्रेन की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था । सर्दी...


A Ray of Hope: Dr. Neelam Gupta

AROH, an acronym for ‘A Ray of Hope’, is fulfillment of a dream which I saw when I was just a child studying...

Unbox Talent

The Samaritan Flower

Once there lived a girl named Zoey. She lived with her mother and her little sister named Coco in a small cottage. Her...

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A Lifetime of Happiness during a Pandemic

Well, the title itself is an oxymoron and sometimes so is life. It surprises you well especially when you are sloshed in the...

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IT trending skill-set for Women

Data scientists are the analytics professionals responsible for acquiring, cleaning and transforming data to glean those invaluable insights. Organizations today are looking for...


Vishakha and Others v/s State of Rajasthan

Whether it’s rape or sexual harassment, both are serious offences as they not only involve physical injuries but severe emotional and mental torture....