Tag: hospitality

The Influence of Women Designers on Luxury Travel Experiences

Women designers have exerted a profound influence on the domain of luxury travel experiences, instigating a dramatic shift in how current-day travellers engage with notions of comfort, style, and opulence. Their substantial impact resonates across multiple facets of the hospitality sector, spanning from the architectural and interior design elements that characterize upscale hotels and resorts to the meticulous crafting of […]

With over 50% of women workforce gender equality is still a myth in the hospitality sector

In a world that celebrates progress and innovation, one industry continues to grapple with a persistent challenge: achieving true gender equality. The hospitality sector, despite its vibrant aura and dynamic appeal, remains an arena where gender disparities cast a shadow over the progress made by remarkable women. As we commemorate Women’s Equality Day, it’s time […]

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