Tag: plastic waste


In 1970, Leo Baekeland invented the Bakelite- the first plastic. Since then plastics have been widely adopted in various industries. Furthermore, plastic was seen as a viable alternative to many other uses of that era. It was cheap to produce, strong enough and resistant to corrosion. However, the fact that plastic does not decompose is […]

Say No to Plastic Pollution

Our lives now include a lot of plastic, and getting rid of it presents a big environmental challenge. If plastic garbage is not adequately managed, it might have catastrophic repercussions for species and ecosystems. Plastic waste frequently finds its way into landfills, where it can take hundreds of years to disintegrate. But even in landfills, plastic can release dangerous chemicals and tiny plastic particles […]

Creating a World of Sustainability

“On the occasion of World Environment Day, we express our solidarity with the global community in the mission to combat plastic pollution. We understand the urgent need to tackle the plastic pollution crisis and its devastating impact on our ecosystems. With unwavering commitment, we have taken significant strides to minimize single-use plastics in our restaurant – Maayaa and […]

Earth Day

हम सभी अपने बचपन से सुनते आ रहे हैं कि हमारा शरीर मिट्टी का पुतला है और अंत में मिट्टी में मिलजाना है . गम आज चाहे इस बात की गंभीरता को न समझें और इस कथन को मात्र जुमलेबाजी कह करमजाक बनायें परंतु सच्चाई यह है कि हमारे पूर्वजों को पृथ्वी के महत्व से […]

Poverty Eradication through Quality Education

Have you ever seen any school children paying plastic waste as their school fee? I am sure, not. But this is happening in the far east, in Pamohi on the outskirts of Guwahati, Assam. This novel school with a brilliant concept is managed by Parmita & Mazin. education Tell us about you and your days […]

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