I vividly remember, it was the second week of March 2020, when the fear of an unknown disease had just seeped in and suddenly the mother earth underwent a sea of change compelling human beings to adapt to the changing scenario.lifestyle
All of a sudden, the News Channel’s TRP soared high and the statistics of the Corona positive and death cases flashed the screens. Even before the common man could adapt the unusual concept of the lockdown, intolerance, impatience and anxiousness spewed rapidly with a blink of an eye.
Pull your reigns and give it a thought. Has COVID-19 made us inhuman (selfish) and put our moral and social values at stake or is it the reverse? On pondering over it, I saw a silver lining and realised that, in reality, this pandemic situation has transformed us into humans in true sense. It has instilled and revived the virtues of compassion, empathy, patience, flexibility and contentment. People across the globe are voluntarily offering services in different forms in their capacities. The funds are pouring in with astounding speed, meals are being distributed to the needy and we have become aware to take a stand for the wrongdoings. We no longer shed off our moral responsibilities towards society. The nightlife has changed into family life. The bio-clock that was followed many years ago (the perfect schedule) – early to rise and return home from work at the earliest is the new compelled trend which is keeping every family bonded together. Our dependency on others has reduced considerably and we have become self-doers! Contentment with the bare minimum is the major take away of COVID-19.
No doubt heightened isolation and financial insecurity has led to depression and other psychological disorders but the corona microorganism has compelled people to remain contented in the bare minimum necessities, keep the environment and self-clean and shift your priority towards spiritualism and family. Furthermore, our creative subconscious mind has seemed to be in a super active mood with everyone changing their hobbies into a passion. “Early to rise and early back home” is the latest self-acclaimed slogan of COVID-19. Personal space is everyone’s right; so let mother nature enjoy its ‘me’ time and we, the humans, observe and ponder over the creation which is blooming back again. Nature has struck the right chord by reversing our lifestyle.
The ‘reverse’ has made us ‘diverse’. We have come closer to our nature, our culture, our family, our values and our soul. COVID-19 is an elixir in disguise.lifestyle

Author’s Bio
Nisreen Lokhandwala is a post graduate from Symbiosis College,Pune. She is certified IELTS trainer from British Council and founder of Amber IELTS Academy. By passion, she is a solo traveller and a blog writer. A winner of three awards in the category of Education and entrepreneur in 2019.