Art & Culture

The Road


The road that is paved by your passion

your love, your obsession,

the thing that keeps you awake at night;

everyone pointed in the dark

where this supposed road existed

but nobody offered the light.

Nobody shared a roadmap.

Nobody knew how long was that road,

how hard

and whether it existed at all.

The road was an urban legend,

a fairytale,


Everyone thought it existed,

very few were sure

and fewer were those who had dared to walk in the dark.

Down the path that was unknown,


you don’t need a map

or lights,

they insisted.

Your grit will illuminate the road.

Your dream will show you the path

down the dark road of passion,

that is rough, long and uneven

but once you start walking,

you’d never want to stop;

not even when all is lost, dark,


Your resilience will keep your

weary feet moving

while your soul chases

the light

that is haunting, forbidding, beautiful;

the light,

that is your true bliss.

-By Runjhun Noopur

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