The first trimester is the most crucial time for a pregnant woman as during this time, major developments take place in the unborn baby. The mother must take utmost care of herself and the fetus to avoid any complications and risks.pregnancy
The moment you realize that you have conceived, it is best to make your baby and yourself the priority. The most common pregnancy symptoms are:
- Nausea or vomiting
- A missed period
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Cramping in the legs
- Sudden tiredness
Important things to do during the first trimester:
- Book an appointment with your doctor so that you can be guided thoroughly on your weight, diet and exercise.
- If you have any other health issue which might need attention, address it to your doctor and if you are already under any medication, discuss the same.
- Your doctor will prescribe a set of prenatal vitamins which is a mandate to consume. Do not skip them under any circumstance as it could turn out to be dangerous for both you and your baby.
- Smoking, consumption of alcohol and drugs should also be stopped.
- Start with light exercise as your body needs to be physically active. If you have never exercised before, you could begin with walking 10 minutes a day and increase it gradually once you feel comfortable. But, do this after consulting your doctor.
- Include some form of meditation and do things that make you happy. The key is to be joyful and to avoid anything which will cause stress.
- Avoid junk food. Have freshly cooked home-made meals. Instead of 3 heavy meals, have 5 to 6 small meals. Make sure you drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.
- Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Have dry fruits and other healthy snacks in between meals to keep your hunger satiated. Try and limit the intake of caffeine.
- Folic acid supplements are very important as folic acid helps in avoiding neural tube defects in babies.
- Avoid lifting anything heavy.
- Take a lot of rest and pamper yourself.
Try and avoid these activities during early pregnancy:
- Sauna
- Adventure rides
- Running and jogging – If you have been running all your life then, with your doctor’s consent, you can continue with this activity throughout your pregnancy. It isn’t advisable to start fresh when you are pregnant. A better alternative would be walking. It is easier and the chances of losing control over your body are also ruled out.
- Cycling – Cycling is a totally bad idea for expectant mothers. Even for the experienced ones, it is only recommended until the second trimester as after that, the body’s centre of balance shifts due to the growing belly.
- High impact aerobics– It involves a lot of jerking and jumping which could increase your chances of a slip or a fall and can result in an injury. Also during pregnancy, as your body expands, your ligaments tend to become loose.
The bottom line is to avoid anything that gives you stress, be it physical or mental. Pregnancy is the most beautiful and joyous phase of a woman’s life. Enjoy this experience to the fullest and treasure its memories.
Author’s Bio
Never give up on your dreams is my mantra and I’m living my dream. It is an honour to be addressed as a writer.