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My Superhero


Unloved, Unwanted…Yet Unfazed

No..she isn’t normal. Her energy is superhuman and her courage beyond salutes. 

She doesn’t have anyone to lay back and relax for a while from her duties. 

She’s the Santa in Christmas, the Diya in Diwali, the sole caregiver in illness, and alone companion in playtimes for her little one. She coaches the sports she never played or becomes the tough guy against a bully for them. 

She doesn’t have any pampering as weekend brunches, movie dates, Anniversaries, or Valentine’s. Birthdays are about buying a cake for herself and cutting it with a broad smile. 

Menstruation cramps or soaring fevers, she endures all, yet wears a smile and gets prepared to face a new day. She leaves no stone unturned to nurture the physical, mental and social development of her child. She has to strike a balance between being a trusted confidante and a strict disciplinarian for her child.

There are days she feels low, drained, and exhausted. But she doesn’t have the luxury of breaking. She’s anxious about their future, hurt by the social judgments but looks back and realises she’s the world to those little eyes watching her and makes look everything natural again. Her pillow witnesses her tears.

She devotedly fulfills the promise she made to that soul in her womb and that’s what keeps her going..unfazed!!

Single parenting is double the responsibility. It’s emotionally draining and absolutely no way to vent out. 

This is just a sneak peek, but enough to know why single mothers are rising patients of depression. The worst thing a society can do to demean her offers sympathy or judgements. Stop! Be empathetic, be respectful of her strengths. It’s no less than a heroic deed and a brave heart to raise a kid single-handedly without an iota of support

If you know someone who is a single parent,  reach out and see how they are doing. Offer a helping hand if you can. Never question their decisions or offer unsolicited advice. They are the most resilient superheroes.

-Written by Ritu Parelkar

Author’s bio:

An Electronics Engineeer by profession having decade of work experience in IT field. Visiting faculty in Colleges in Mumbai. Enthusiast about writing, travelling, reading and trying out new receipes. Above all, a mother to a always-on-the-go toddler who inspires me with her infectious energy.

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