Guide to travelling solo in India: Female edition
The world is indeed astonishing, don’t you agree? India, being an incredible country is known to be a land of wonders. Including its assorted natural and city scenes, rich cultures and cuisines, India is a country that never fails to surprise. However, at the same time, it can be strangely overwhelming for solo female travellers. Nevertheless, with the right information, a confident attitude and a little homework, travelling in this vibrant country will be a rewarding experience. I
- Plan ahead and read up on the background
Being aware of the culture, history, and upcoming events of where you’re visiting can help you assess what is or is not appropriate. Explore it on the web, google all required information, watch vlogs of other people, read books to get a better knowledge of the historical and political background. All of this knowledge gives you the necessary roadmap for your interactions.

- Do not stand out and dress like locals
What I am talking about gaudy clothes and charming backpacks that seem all new and shiny. It doesn’t hurt to look good, of course, but keep in mind that you might spot yourself in really poor areas and it’s better not to flash your camera and smartphone everywhere. Take a simple-looking backpack and don’t overdress. Look what women around you are wearing. Dressing traditionally is always advisable. Always carry a scarf or a stole.
- Be confident and assertive instead of being polite
One of the most significant concerns for women travelling in India, or anywhere else actually, is to be bold. assertive and hold yourself properly. Forget about being urbane, it may be taken as a symbol of weakness, be prepared to stand up for yourself and don’t be afraid to speak out. Make a scene if you feel like someone is hassling, cheating or ‘eve teasing‘ you, often someone will come to your help.
- Start and end your day early
If you are travelling someplace alone, make sure to start your day early and be aware of the timings of the places around. Be cautious about moving around at night alone.It is much safer to travel in daylight.
- Always stay attentive, aware and careful
You can’t be naive and trust everyone. You do need to be on your guard to avoid the scams and hassles when travelling alone, always trust your gut instinct. Be mindful of what you eat, drink and live at. And at the end, enjoy and travel with an open heart. India is a beautiful land, and exploring it solo will be one of the most rewarding experience you will have.
by Aditi Gupta

Author’s bio:
A vivacious and lively girl living in Delhi, on her voyage for exploration