I started my career as an HR professional. I have worked with brands like Habibs in the past. Currently, I’m a Director at Oriflame India, and a Certified Beauty & Wellness Coach them. My Content Creation journey started with COVID. As a lifestyle blogger, I try to be versatile, create different kinds of content, and give my 100% to my passion for content creation !!!
I have Been awarded the Aspiring Influencer 2023 by Inspiring Beyond Motherhood in Mumbai. Awarded as a Star Performer by CTI (Chamber of Trade & Industry).
Nominated in the top Lifestyle Influencers Category by luxurydot.pr. Got an Award from Preeti Jhingiani for the Budding Influencer at Glam Events.
I have done various campaigns with brands. Also curated Events for many brands, hosted blogger tables for many Fine Dining restaurants, guest listing for restaurant/mall/brand launches.
Ig Handle ⬇️ www.instagram.com/lifestyle_experience_learning