Tag: skill

A border-less classroom, the myriad role of travel in education

For me, travel has always been a profound educator, imparting lessons that conventional classrooms and textbooks cannot match. While formal education imparts knowledge, travel goes a step further, and garners wisdom through immersive experiences in diverse cultures, landscapes, and encounters. It is through travel that we truly come to comprehend the world, its inhabitants, and […]

Why Youth Is Facing Challenges – Causes, Warning Signs And Prevention

The mental health challenges faced by today’s youth are a grave concern, resulting from a complex interplay of societal, psychological, and environmental factors. The modern world imposes unprecedented pressures on the minds of young individuals, leading to a surge in stress, anxiety, and depression. According to a recent UNICEF report, one out of every seven Indians aged 15 to […]

Implementation of hands-on STEAM Education in Indian schools

We have all heard the term STEM Education. STEM education is an integrated approach that combines Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to offer a well-rounded learning experience. In today’s era where design thinking is a big part of all industries, STEM education has evolved to also incorporate the learning of ‘Arts’ as a part of the learning experience. This is […]

Every day brings new lessons: Sumedha Sood

During the COVID pandemic, when people were exploring new hobbies, a former housewife, Sumedha Sood, known for her culinary skills discovered the joy of baking. It was a time when finding refined flour-free and refined sugar-free ingredients in the market was a challenge. Baking took on a life of its own. Elon Musk once said, “If […]

Women’s Integral Role in Advancing Surgical Techniques and Medical Research in India

Healthcare is one of the largest sectors of the Indian economy in terms of both revenue and employment and in recent years, the landscape of Indian healthcare has been evolving at an impressive pace. According to INC42, the Indian healthcare sector, initially valued at $86 billion in 2016, is anticipated to attain a value of […]

PIRUL Handicraft: Transforming Pine Waste into Empowerment and Livelihood Generation

Khetikhan, a picturesque village nestled in the Uttarakhand hills at an impressive altitude of 1815 meters, offers breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped Himalayas and expansive pine forests. Traditionally, the village thrived on cattle rearing and agriculture, but challenges like climate change, erratic rainfall, and wild boar disturbances have hindered their progress. Also, the abundance of pine needles in the […]

Women in Corporate Leadership and their Challenges in Boardroom

When it comes to boardroom discussions, women in Corporate Leadership roles often have their own unique challenges that limit their ability to get involved and make a difference. Here are some of the concerns that women   often struggle with. Women are often left out in the cold in boardrooms where men still dominate. This can lead to feelings of invisibility and a sense that their perspectives aren’t valued or […]

Fostering a Leadership Culture

Leaders should openly motivate, encourage, and acknowledge the small achievements of individuals and departments. By fostering a culture of self-reflection, leaders can identify and address their own biases, creating a more inclusive leadership style. Institutions should foster a culture of accountability among academic leaders. Faculties and staff often leave for other colleges, not solely for […]

“Championing for Orphans Education”- Poulomi Pavini Shukla

1. Who is Poulomi Pavini? Can you describe yourself in one sentence. poulomi poulomi poulomi Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It’s not a sentence, but its a word that Mary Poppins made us believe that is means in a nebulousis manner good or nice or kind. I strive to be that. 2. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve […]

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