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The term insomnia denotes a complete lack of sleep. It indicates a relative inability to sleep difficulty in staying asleep, early awakening or a combination of any of these complaints. Insomnia deprives the person of mental rest and thereby interferes with his activities in the day time. It constitutes a severe health hazard when it becomes a habit.

Sleep is a periodic state of rest for the body which is essential for its efficient functioning. It is the indispensable condition to the recuperation of energy and relieves from tension, rests the brain and body and a person wakes up in the morning fresh and relaxed. Sleep has been aptly called ‘the balm of hurt minds and the most cheering restorative of tired bodies’.


The amount of sleep varies within very wide limits from individual to individual. Normally, 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night is adequate for most people. Some, however, do well with 4 to 5 hours because their sleep is deeper and refreshing.

Insomnia is common among the elderly for a variety of reasons. The sleep of the elderly is often punctuated by brief periods of wakefulness during the night. In such cases, it is the quality rather than the quantity which is most affected. With age, there is a gradual reduction of periods of deep sleep. Sleep requirements also diminish with ageing.

From 9 hours of sleep at the age of 12, the average sleep needs decrease to 8 hours at the age of 20, 7 hours at the age of 40, 6 and half hours at 60 and 6 hours at 80. Difficulty in staying asleep is the most common type of insomnia. The Signs of pathological insomnia are dramatic changes in sleep patterns, lapses of memory and lack of concentration during the day. Other symptoms are emotional instability, loss of coordination, confession and a lingering feeling of indifference.

  • The most common cause of sleepiness is mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries, overwork and overexcitement.
  • Suppressed feelings of resentment, anger and bitterness may also cause insomnia.
  • Constipation dyspepsia, overeating at night, excessive intake of starches, sweets, tea or coffee and going to bed hungry are among the other causes.
  • Smoking is another suspected cause of insomnia as it irritates the nervous system, especially the nerves of the digestive system.
  • Environment factors such as overcrowding, excessive noise or poor bedding or housing conditions may also lead to transient sleep difficulties.

Often, worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.

Sleeping pills are no remedy for sleeplessness. They are habit-forming and become less effective when used continuously. The side effects of sleeping pills include indigestion, skin rashes, lowered resistance to infections, circulatory and respiratory problems, poor appetite, high blood pressure and many more likely diseases.

Diet is an important factor in the treatment of insomnia. Researchers have shown that people with chronic insomnia almost have marked deficiencies of such key nutrients as B complex vitamins and vitamin C and D, calcium, manganese, potassium and zinc. The sleep mechanism is unable to function efficiently unless each of the nutrients is present in adequate amounts in the diet.

A balanced diet with simple modifications in the eating pattern will go a long way in treating insomnia.

  • Do not take water with meals. (Have water half an hour before or one hour after the meal.)
  • Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  • Never eat to a full stomach.
  • Get some fresh air; engage in brisk walking, cycling or swimming.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, white flour, fried food, tinned and preserved food, condiments and pickles.


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