Tag: heart

Stress and Heart Health: Managing the Silent Killer by FLAME University

In today’s relentless world, stress stealthily accompanies us, casting its shadow over our everyday endeavours. Though intermittent stress is a natural part of life, its insidious impact on our health, especially our hearts, cannot be ignored. Dubbed the “silent killer,” stress transcends mere mental strain, posing a grave threat to our cardiovascular health. A study at the University of California discovered that people with […]


Durga is here, annual homecoming As we say, during Autumn to share Her time aura, blessings, For us Women to feel her shakti, positivity. Durga teaches patience, wait, wait For the right time, it will come! Determination to do it, focus on Your goals, work steadily, quietly Go ahead firmly, persistently, She stands by you, cheering! Epitome […]

World Heart Day 2023: Unlock a healthy heart by embracing the power of quality sleep-Learn about the transformative power of quality sleep for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2023 is a poignant reminder of the pivotal role that heart health plays in the lives of working women who often juggle multiple responsibilities while striving for excellence. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly, aiming for perfection in their professional and personal lives each day. However, amid the demands of their daily routines, […]

Celebrating The Uniqueness Of Love With Pride

June is the month of pride or, in simple terms, where we celebrate and recognize the strength of the LGBTQI+ Community. Love and even life stories of the members of this community are inspiring and groundbreaking. Therefore, to celebrate the language of love and oneness, we asked our readers to share any written piece about the […]

Valentine’s Week Special- This Hug Day, Know The Health Benefits Of Hugs

Excerpt- Hugs are not just a way to express love but also they bring with themselves a good number of health benefits.  If you prefer hugging, you might want to evaluate its healing potential.  We all know how soothing hugs can be at difficult times, so why just restrict them to a single day? We’ve […]

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