
Healthy Lifestyle


‘Health’, according to the World Health Organization, is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”. ‘Lifestyle’ is defined as a “particular way of living”, by Merriam-Webster Dictionary. But what is a “Healthy Lifestyle”? And most importantly, the changes we need to incorporate in our lives to live a happy and healthy life.

Everyone is quite aware of the fact that ‘Health’ is topmost important for a better living. As an old saying goes on, “Healthy mind lies in a healthy body”, we understand that physical health along with mental health can make our life worth living. A good diet, physical exercise, balanced routine, absence of bad habits like alcohol, smoking, overeating, sedentary lifestyle constitute a healthy lifestyle.

How your lifestyle affects your Health!

The meaning of a Healthy lifestyle has advanced over the period. Nowadays, only healthy eating and doing some physical exercise do not wrap it up. We need to keep a positive attitude towards life, manage stress, meditate, maintain harmonious relationships, be active, take proper sleep and keep ourselves motivated towards a higher goal. It is not only about living longer but living a happy, healthy, purposeful, and satisfying life. Further, there are other important components of wellness that help us enhance our life.  

5 factors of wellness to bring Balance in Life

All these factors if managed properly can bring balance to our lives in a healthy way.

  1. Physical: Managing physical health includes having nutritious food, eating at right intervals in appropriate quantity, intake of water, walking, doing exercises, keeping sugar control, maintaining adequate body mass index, and taking 7-8 hours undisturbed sleep.
  2. Mental: Studying, playing, learning new skills, keeping your mind active, all these contribute to having good mental health that affects our overall lifestyle.
  3. Emotional: Human beings are full of emotions; any issue disturbing our life may erupt into an emotional outburst through anger, frustration, and depression. Hence, we can try to understand ourselves better by observing and analysing our emotions.
  4. Social: Having good relationships with our close ones, family members, relatives, neighbours, friends, colleagues contribute to healthy social life.
  5. Spiritual: Spirituality has a different meaning for different people, many find peace in doing meditation, yoga; some people may find it in practicing their religion, following customs and rituals associated with it.

Written by : Aanchal Madan

Authors bio

A  friendly and family-oriented person. She loves to read and write. She likes to socialize, try different food and explore things around. She believes in connecting with empathy and investing in relationships for a happy life

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