Aditi Sharma is on cloud nine these days. After all, her show Rabb Se Hai Dua (RSHD) produced by Prateek Sharma (Studio LSD) recently crossed 100 episodes. The actor, who plays the character of Dua in it, shares that the aim is to make the audience connect with the story, and entertain them in every possible manner. And, they are happy to be able to do it.
“I feel extremely blessed and happy. Many more to come, we will definitely reach 1000 episodes and more,” she says.
Rabb Se Dua has connected well with the audiences and has developed a loyal fan base. “Yes definitely people have really connected with it and it’s because of team efforts. From writing to acting to editing, everyone is working really hard and I am really glad that fans are connecting to it. People are loving the tracks and the show and I am grateful for that. Working with producer Prateek Sharma is wonderful. We were going to do a show together a few years back but I was already doing a show. Finally we got a chance to work together and I am so happy about it. LSD is an amazing production house and is cooperative and actor friendly. They manage everything well. Everything about this show is grand and the quality is well maintained. They take care of all of us and have such positive vibes. Prateek is such a wonderful human being. He is extremely talented,” she adds.
There are a lot of scenes in the show that are close to Aditi’s heart. “The scenes with Dadi ( Sheela Sharma) are special to me. My bond with her is very good and whenever we have a scene together it feels very nice to portray that connection. I really enjoy doing scenes with her. Another scene that I love is when Haider (Karanvir Sharma) and I danced to the song of Gulabo and it was super fun to do and it was a beautiful sequence,” she says.
The actor also gels well with Gulnaaz ( Melanie Nazareth). “My co- actors are amazing. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and we are all friends and have fun working together,” she says.
TRP ratings bother every actor. Aditi is no different. “It is our motivation and you get to know that the show is doing good when the numbers show up. You are appreciated and that’s what matters when the numbers come. It’s the result of team work and TRP is appreciation to keep us motivated and they do matter,” she adds.
The challenging part of a daily show is the shooting schedule, according to her. “Most of the people get off on weekends but we don’t get any offs but at the same time I love shooting so it doesn’t matter. I have fun on the sets. It sometimes feels difficult because there is so much pending work that you want to do and you don’t have a particular time or day to set it up. Here before you sleep you get to know if we are shooting tomorrow or so you cannot plan much and that can be a challenging part,” she says.