Ms. Priyanka Mor,
Lifestyle & Parenting Influencer
Wrapped in elegance, celebrating tradition – every fold tells a story of grace and heritage”.
Happy World Saree Day.
World Saree Day, celebrated annually on December 21st, is a vibrant tapestry that unites cultures and honours the timeless elegance of this traditional garment. As women worldwide gracefully drape themselves in sarees, the day becomes a canvas showcasing the rich diversity of fabrics, colours, and weaving techniques. It transcends borders, symbolizing the heritage and craftsmanship woven into each fold. World Saree Day is more than a celebration of attire; it’s a tribute to the stories, histories, and identities embedded in this six-yard wonder. It fosters a global connection, inviting individuals to revel in the cultural mosaic that defines our shared humanity.
Ms. Shakti Piplani,
Increate Jewelry Institute(IJI), Delhi
Sarees are no longer confined to festive occasions; they have found a place in everyday professional wear. Women choose sarees to symbolise empowerment, professionalism, and cultural pride in various workplaces. It aligns well with the growing trend of sustainable fashion. Its ability to adapt to contemporary fashion trends and its timeless elegance ensures its continued prominence in the global fashion landscape.In today’s world, saree is a dynamic and evolving garment that has successfully transcended traditional boundaries with women choosing to wear it proudly on global platforms. It serves as a reminder of one’s roots and cultural heritage.”
Ms. Neha Gupta,
Technical leader, Author and blogger
Saree is more than a garment; it’s a tapestry of elegance, a canvas of culture, and a symbol of empowerment. Woven with intricate threads of tradition and vibrant heritage hues, the saree transcends generations, telling a story of resilience and strength. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the saree is a powerful symbol of empowerment, embodying women with a sense of identity, confidence, and strength. It’s a celebration of femininity that seamlessly merges tradition with modernity. In our ever-evolving world, the saree stands as a timeless icon, adapting to changing trends while staying rooted in cultural significance. As we celebrate Saree Day, let’s revel in the elegance, honour cultural heritage, and recognize the empowerment it signifies.
Ms. Sheetal Sharma,
Director, Supreme Support Consultants and Secretary of Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), Delhi Chapter
A woman’s strongest weapon is her undying spirit and her resilience to face come what may. The threads of the saree speak of a woman’s resilience, compassion and courage to fight the world with a smile on her face. She not only empowers her loved ones but also inspires thousands of women who fear breaking societal norms. A woman and saree are a symphony of grace and boldness that weave together a tapestry of cultural richness and empowerment for generations to come.
Ms. Anshu Bhojnagarwala,
Author, Content Strategist
We are the generation that has seen our mother, grandmother and every woman in the family and neighbourhood wearing sarees. We are also the generation that was given a choice to not wear a saree every day of our lives. We are also the generation that, after wearing all genres of attires, has recognised the beauty, grace and versatility of this garment and genuinely fallen in love with the saree.
A lot of women today are opting to wear sarees out of choice and love for this beautiful garment. Some credit goes to influencers for making sarees popular and saree drapes for making saree draping look simple and doable.
Saree is not just an attire, it’s an emotion, full 6 yards of it. One can be any shape, size, age and gender, saree will make them look more beautiful and graceful.
Ms. Heena Sodhi Khera,
Mindset coach / Author
I have grown up seeing my mother carrying a saree like no one other. Whether it was a dinner, ladies’ meet or a wedding. She just looked so graceful every time. I remember waiting for her to come back and try it on me. All I wanted to do was grow up and wear sarees. And I love wearing sarees.
Honestly, Saree can’t be defined, it’s an emotion. It connects you to your divine feminine. The Queen in a saree is the healer, the warrior, the nurturer, and the Shakti. I say in a 6-yard cloth that looks beautiful and elegant on every single lady born.
Every saree has a story behind like every lady is a story. There are a plethora of emotions weaved in every saree, whether it’s a Kanjeewaram from Tamil Naidu South, Banarasi from Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, Kasawu from Kerala, Bandhani from Rajasthan, Gujarat, Guntur Fom Andhra Pradesh, Eri Silk from Assam, Patola from Gujarat.
It carries a story, a tradition, a blessing from ancestors. Every time we buy a saree, we are empowering the weavers and uplifting India’s pride in Invention.
Devesh Purohit,
CEO and Founder, Legacy Matrix PR.
“Saree is one of the oldest garments and apparel in the history of mankind with origins in India. Photos of the Hindu Deities in Saree add to the testimony. Indus Valley Civilization’s archaeological and historical records suggest its existence thousands of years ago before the Christ era. Saree is the cultural heritage of India. Saree has a legacy of fashion and culture with multiple styles, qualities and appearances. Saree has evolved over centuries in terms of design, manufacturing, fabric quality, wearing style and fashion outlook. Saree not only empowers an individual woman or a community but gives them the pride of Indian identity and culture. With 12 years of PR research on legacy building, I conclude that ‘Legacy is built in the culture’. Saree adds to the legacy and soft power of India as an evidence of cultural symbol.”
Ms. Shruti Khandare,
Model and PR
A fundamental component of South Asia’s culture and legacy, the six-yard textile dates back to the Mughal Empire and the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Empires have come and gone, new customs have been formed, and modernism has emerged during its time.
One aspect of the sari’s beauty as an art of clothing is its adaptability as an entirely unstitched attire. The size of a saree never changes, regardless of your body type or size.
India, one of the world’s greatest handicraft nations, has a wide range of sari designs throughout its states, varying in everything from materials to dyes to draping. Kerala, in the southwest, offers a restraint with its mostly white saris and graceful folds; further north in Gujarat, most saris are made with the vibrant tie-dyes of the ancient bandhani dyeing technique. Most of the clothing worn by the tribal populations of Jharkhand, eastern India, including the Munda, Oraon, Paharia, and Santhal groups, is made of coarse cotton saris.
Ms. Rakhee Dhanuka,
Founder & Chief Everything Officer – Bombay Aesthetics
Saree Splendour is an ode to elegance, culture, and empowerment—a heritage draped in fabric. Each fold tells tales of tradition, weaving a vibrant narrative of India’s diverse tapestry. This garment is more than attire; it’s a testament to craftsmanship, each thread a tribute to artisans’ skill and artistry.
Donning the saree is an emotional embrace of one’s roots, a nod to the rich heritage and timeless allure of India. Its intricate patterns and meticulous draping reflect not just beauty, but resilience. The saree becomes a symbol of strength, empowering women to embrace femininity with confidence.
In its fluid movements lies a profound connection to culture, evoking a sense of belonging and pride. Beyond its aesthetic, the saree embodies resilience, adapting through generations—a tribute to the strength of women.
Saree Splendour transcends borders, adorning women with sophistication and grace. It isn’t just a garment; it’s a celebration of a legacy, honouring the past while making a statement in the present. It promises a future where culture, elegance, and empowerment merge seamlessly—a timeless homage to the essence of womanhood.
Ms. Anushka Khanna,
The saree has always been the most elegant garment. I’m always in awe seeing the women around me who wear the sari with such Grace and ease in their daily lives. While for many in the younger generation, saris are mainly for occasions, over the past few years, I see so many younger clients appreciating the drape. Whichever kind of saree you choose – traditional or the more cocktail version that is popular, I don’t think there is any garment that is more powerful, more sensuous, and more important than the saree.
Ms. Meghna Tewari,
Marketing Professional
Saree या Sari! एक पाँच मीटर से लेकर नौ मीटर तक का बिना सिला हुआ कपड़ा। जिसे दबाव में पहना जाए तो बोझ और मर्ज़ी या शौक़ से पहना जाए तो ख़ूबसूरती का उच्चतम स्तर और विश्वास से भरी नारी का रूप निकल कर आता है। साड़ी के बारे में तो आगे बोहत सी बातें अब होती ही रहेंगी पर आज इसी दबाव और शौक़ के बीच के अंतर की बात करते हैं।
एक लड़की जब अपनी शादी के बाद पहली बार अपने ससुराल में आती है तो अमुँवन तौर पर वो साड़ी पहनने का उसका पहला मौक़ा होता है, हालाँकि अब बदलते समय के साथ कई जगह ये साड़ी पहनने वाली परम्परा नहीं रही पर फिर भी शुरुआती सालों में आज भी ज़्यादातर घरों में इसी का चलन है। अब सवाल ये आता है कि एक तो नया घर, नया परिवार, नया पहनावा और ऊपर से दिन रात साड़ी पहने रहने का दबाव महिलाओं के दिमाग़ में साड़ी यानी बोझ की भावना को जन्म देता है, इस तरह साड़ी पहनकर ना तो वो अपने आप को खूबसूरत मेह्सूस करतीं हैं और ना ही उनमे अपने प्रति विश्वासही महसूस होता है, जिसके कारण मौक़ा मिलते ही महिलाएँ सबसे पहले साड़ी से पीछा छुड़ाना चाहती है।
ये कहीं ना कहीं मैंने भी अपनी शादी के शुरुआती सालों में मह्सूस किया है और आपमें से कइयों ने मेह्सूस किया होगा।
अब बात करते हैं इसके दूसरे पहलू की, ये हम सभी जानते हैं कि साड़ी एक ऐसा एकमात्र परिधान है जो कि हर उम्र और हर आकार की महिला पर बेहद ख़ूबसूरती के साथ फबता है, इसीलिए हम महिलाएँ किसी भी special occasion पर साड़ी पहन्ना ही पसंद करतीं हैं। इसी बात को समझते हुए जब अपनी मनमर्ज़ी से, अपनी पसंद से और अपने तरीक़े से साड़ी को पहनते रहते हैं, और ऐसा करते करते साड़ी पहनने में परिपक्व हो जाते हैं तो वोही बोझ शौक़ और पसंद में बदल जाता है, और हम saree styling को enjoy करने लगते हैं कयोंकि हमें पता है कि हम साड़ी में सबसे ज़्यादा खूबसूरत लग रहे होते हैं, और यही बात हमारे अंदर confidence को कूट कूट कर भर देती हैSo the idea is to let’s start enjoying it rather taking it as a pressure, it is actually a beautiful experience!
Ms. Ishani Sawant,
The richness and diversity of Indian culture resonate deeply with me. Whenever I’m invited to share my adventures through presentations, donning a saree becomes a powerful expression of my connection to my roots, strengthened by the mountains. Whether in the UAE, Colorado, or New York, I proudly embrace our customs and rituals by wearing a saree on special occasions.
Tanya Sahni
“Elegance woven in every drape, a saree tells a story of grace and timeless beauty.”
Ria Pande
A vision of timeless grace, a woman, gracefully carries the heritage of a beautiful saree, each fold whispering tales of tradition and elegance.
Rouble Chhabra
Lawyer and Entrepreneur
“Sarees is one of the most stunning attire a woman can wear, it’s super elegant and ethereal. No woman has ever looked bad in a saree. It’s our culture, it’s our pride.”