“The mind is its place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell and a Hell of Heaven.” John Milton – Paradise Lost
We are on the threshold of 2023 ready to step into the New Year 2024 with a lot of aspirations and expectations of a better life for all humanity. We dream of a world where there is no prejudice, hatred, jealousy or enmity among human beings, a world where Love and Unity overrules. How can our dream be fulfilled? Cultivating a positive mindset is the only way to attain this end. Positivity is one’s perspective on life and tendency to look at the brighter side of things. How can we cultivate it?

First and foremost, we should drive away the negative thoughts in our mind by developing the feelings of Love, Compassion and Sympathy towards other human beings. Positive thinking is the Key to Success. Negative thoughts sap your energy and drag you into the drains. They can be overcome by our willpower, concentration, grit, and determination to achieve our goals.

Mental and Physical Health go hand in hand. A sound mind exists in a sound body and vice versa. Lack of a positive attitude hurts the outlook of a person. It adversely affects both the body and mind. In the modern age the threats are cognitive involving our relationship with others – at work, in financial dealings, friendship, love, family life etc. and lead to disastrous consequences. The root cause is a lack of Positivity in the minds of the people. Cultivating a Positive mindset is the need of the hour to put an end to all such disastrous happenings.
The most important thing is to keep our body fit and active by exercising, going for a walk or playing any games. Don’t be idle at any point. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Develop friendships with positive-minded people discuss your problems with them and share theirs too. Make yourself wanted by society by volunteering to help the needy. Read good books about people who have achieved greatness by developing a positive mindset. Meditation, Yoga and Prayers act like a tonic and rejuvenate your thought process. It is in our hands to shape our future.
We are bound to cultivate a Positive Mindset to bid Adieu to 2023, to usher in a new era of Peace and Prosperity globally.
“Let our countrymen awake into that State of Heaven.” – Rabindranath Tagore

Shared by: Ms Neela Swaminathan