Home Entrepreneurship Shining Star INSPIRING WOMEN Healthier and more sustainable future: Me & Millets

Healthier and more sustainable future: Me & Millets


“Me & Millets” journey is a remarkable story of passion, innovation, and a commitment to promoting healthier dietary choices.

“Me & Millets” was founded in 2019 with a vision to change how people think about and eat millets in India. Even though millets are good for health, most people prefer refined wheat flour (Maida), other grains and many imported foods instead. We wanted to change that.

The inspiration for “Me & Millets” came from India’s National Year of Millets in 2018, an initiative by the government to promote the nutritional benefits of millets. However, we observed that public awareness about millets remained low, and people were hesitant to incorporate them into their diets due to taste preferences and misconceptions.

The mission of “Me & Millets” was clear: to make millet-based products not only nutritious but also delicious, without compromising on their authenticity. The idea is to imply bringing back healthy eating with Millet-Based Foods.

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us are choosing convenience over nutrition when it comes to food.

Unfortunately, this shift has led to a decline in traditional, nutrient-rich dishes that used to be part of our diets.

But there’s hope! By embracing millet-based foods, we can revive these wholesome dishes and promote better health and satisfaction among consumers.

Millets are packed with nutrients, gluten-free, and grown sustainably with minimal water and resources.

We expect our audience to embrace new flavours, prioritize nourishing their bodies, and support sustainable agricultural practices. The goal is to cultivate a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come through the goodness of millet.

“Me & Millets” stands as a testament to the power of innovation and determination in promoting healthier food choices. By combining passion with expertise, the company has successfully transformed millets from overlooked grains to beloved ingredients, paving the way for a
healthier and more sustainable future.

So, let’s make a change together! By incorporating millet into our diets, we can bring back the goodness of traditional eating habits and nourish our bodies while also caring for the planet.

For more info, visit us at https://meandmillet.com/

 -Team WS
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