One visit to a fancy salon and you shall get an idea of the fascinating economic adventure entrepreneurs in the beauty business are on. A friend, a confidante, an artist, a business person, an influencer, a trainer – your beauty expert can be many of these at the same time. What makes this industry unique?The secret probably lies in the marketing techniques used to convince how desperately you need their products and services. But is it all black? Let us look at some shades of grey. The beauty industry of India has a large number of units being owned and managed exclusively by women entrepreneurs.The secret probably lies in the marketing techniques used to convince how desperately you need their products and services. But is it all black? Let us look at some shades of grey. The beauty industry of India has a large number of units being owned and managed exclusively by women entrepreneurs.Increased disposable income and an overall change in thinking of the Indian middle-class population towards a better presentation of the self is another reason for this industry to thrive. Being a sunrise industry, each of its segments holds immense potential.So how should we judge these people on ‘beauty duty’? (And judge we must, because, it’s always good to talk).Entrepreneurs in the beauty industry are very hardworking people who are often single-handedly dealing with registration, staff, marketing strategies, suppliers, risks, customer service and satisfaction, investments, among other things.So, the next time we get lured by a salon’s package deal, we might want to assess its actual need. Leaving you with this thought, I’ll go get my nails done (which is entirely superfluous for me by the way).
Ajeeta Srivastava

Ajeeta Srivastava – A development economist by day, a dreamer by night, who likes discussing her opinion on economics, entrepreneurship, and life.