Examining the Effects of Mental Health Issues on Teenagers Educational Attainment
The 21st century has brought with it great strides in the progress, development, and advancement of civilization. Technology has cemented its necessity, purpose, and importance in the functioning of society as a whole. The 21st century has also birthed Gen-Z and the millennials a population of highly intelligent, adaptable, and sensitive youngsters. How this generation has related/interacted with the world has been vastly different from any before it? The sensitivity of this generation and their affinity towards technology had affected their self-worth, perception of the world, and the value they place on a fake reality of fame, affluence, and apparent popularity. This has led to uncertainty, mental anguish, and mental instability among the youth and young adults. The popularizing of get-rich-quick schemes drop-out start-up success, and misfit syndrome has further dwindled the importance and value placed on education. Social media has also had a very successful anti-establishment narrative that has proven effective. Youngsters have over the last decade placed lesser importance on the purpose and utility of education.

How success is interpreted has been re-defined in the last few years, the rise of TikTok stars, social media influencers, and you-tubers has given youngsters a false notion of easy success. Education as a result has taken a back seat. However, the pressure of social media and its fantasized reality has diluted book learning. The time has arrived for establishments, parents, and stakeholders to acknowledge and take appropriate steps before we lose a generation of intelligent and able young minds to the notion of un-profitable education. Studies have highlighted how instant gratification promoted on social media through trigger-happy apps has reduced the attention span and level of patience in younger and adults alike.In the last few years, society had large as seen a sharp increase in mental health issues among teenagers and young adults. The pandemic has further annihilated an already struggling set of people. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, and a slew of neurosis.
Conclusion :
In order to assist teenagers to deal with any potential mental health concerns, it is crucial to give them access to mental health resources like counselling and therapy. Finally, a supportive atmosphere that encourages good mental health and academic performance must be developed through collaboration between parents, educators, and politicians. This entails establishing venues where youth may speak openly about their mental health, encouraging school-based mental health programs, and funding initiatives that foster academic success.
In conclusion, despite the fact that the internet has many advantages and opportunities, it is important to address the risks it poses to the mental health and education of teenagers. We can support teenagers in thriving both online and offline by encouraging responsible internet use, giving access to mental health resources, and fostering supportive surroundings.

Author’s bio:
Aishwarya Rao, is the Director. She’s from Coimbatore and had a comprehensive and progressive upbringing surrounded around inclusivity and innovation in modern Indian educational practices. She has a Bachelor’s in Business Management and a Master’s in Education from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.