Art and Theatre is the mirror of society and reflects one’s values, cultures, interests, and ideas. This mirror has encouraged millions of artists to bring out the ideas which are neglected on a common basis by the ignorant society. One such matter is the Discrepancy based on Gender. In this fast-paced world, everything is in the phase of metamorphosis and hence this patriarchal society is changing as well, with the shifting status of women in India. The “Naari” of India was always extraordinary but seldom they were given a chance. But now they are coming forward in every field, especially Art and Theatre.
Art and Theatre have made countless attempts to spread awareness about various gender-biased crimes pertaining in the name of a misguided notion of ‘culture’ and ‘tradition’. Art and Theatre of India have enormous power to shake things up and change the preconceived notions of this misogynistic society. Women of India are looking up towards art and theatre for a reimagined, redefined and reinforced world which is peaceful, encouraging and respectful towards the women of India.”
One of the achievements of women in arts and theatre is the increased representation and visibility they have attained. Women are taking up roles as directors, playwrights, actors, and other creative positions, bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the forefront.
Their presence in these fields inspires women and provides diverse narratives and alternative viewpoints. It is crucial to continue supporting and promoting women in arts and theatre by providing equal opportunities, resources, and platforms. We can amplify their voices and ensure their continued participation and success.
Together, we can foster an environment where women in arts and theatre can thrive, ultimately leading to a more equitable and vibrant cultural landscape for all.
Shared by : Neha Jangra,
Noida International University