Dr. Poonam Mishra
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician
and Cosmetic Gynaecologist
Director of Manas Hospital,
Manas Gynae Cosmetology
& Laser Centre and
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic
Here comes a sneeze and……….ACHOO!
And hence you end up in an embarrassing situation where a little bit urine squeezes out of your
bladder, isn’t that the case? I would like to tell you that you’re not alone. A number of other
women, in fact 25 to 30 in a hundred are dealing with the same problem. But they usually
ignore it and go on with their daily lives. Little do they know that this ‘problem’ is actually a
disease. Urinary incontinence, that is the passing of urine from the urinary bladder involuntarily
goes way beyond what it actually seems like. It is found mostly in women but very rarely in
men. Firstly it can happen due to various reasons and is also categorized accordingly. If a
person feels the need to urinate after a little stress or pressure, it is called Stress Urinary
Incontinence (SUI). But people with Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI) have it way worse.
When a lady feels the urge to pee, she can’t hold it like the rest of us, and a little urine passes
out if she doesn’t rush toward the nearest washroom. In Mixed Urinary incontinence, persons
suffering experience a combination of both SUI and UUI, which leads to a loss of control on the
need to urinate. So they pee, when they cough, sneeze, exercise, lift something heavy and
sometimes even when they laugh out loud.
The list goes on. Aging, Birth Trauma, Post Accidental Events, Obesity, Diabetes, Side Effects
of some medicines, Other Prevailing Diseases and so many more.
Aging leads this list. Just like the passing years have an effect on the person’s vanity and facial
features, it does on the person’s insides too. Just as with age, a woman’s breast start sagging,
the muscles of her urinary bladder start to sag too, by getting loose. The urethra, the duct
through which urine passes out of the body, has fat and tissue around it that act as a cushion and
provide stability to the urethra. With age, these tissues and fat start decreasing, leading to loss
of stability of this duct. The passing of urine from the urethra then requires only a little
pressure, leaving a feeling of incomplete evacuation. When the person tries to pass this
remaining urine, they put in a lot of pressure but are still left unsatisfied. There are two types of
sphincters in urethra. The one that we can control and the one that we can’t. When we feel the
need to pee, the internal urethral sphincter, the one that we can’t control, is pressurized but we
don’t feel the need to immediately pee as the external urethral sphincter helps us keep it in, till a
better time. Aging leads to weakness in these sphincters too, and thus, the ability to ‘hold on’ is
lost gradually.
During the course, a normal delivery, if not executed properly, leaves a bad mark on the
bladder. If during an accident, trauma is suffered directly at the bladder or pelvic region, it too
leads to weakness of the concerned muscles. Obesity puts pressure on the inner walls of the
body, making quick work to cause urinary incontinence in the person. Addiction of alcohol and
tobacco and chronic diseases like diabetes, Asthma, Tuberculosis etc also lead to this disease.
But you can do your part to decrease chances of getting this disease, like regular exercises for
pelvic muscles, treatment of diseases related to the bladder at the right time and even making
sure that the delivery is conducted by a trained staff. And also by avoiding requesting a normal
delivery when the doctor has advised an operational delivery!
One in all, it is important to know when to reach the doctor if one has the symptoms. Because it
is wrong to stay ignorant and keep believing. “Oh this just happens at some point” or that a
treatment for this disease does not exist. If not treated timely, urinary incontinence increases
and one should know that there will be a time when leaving the house will be like a curse
looming over your head!
team WS