Tag: InteriorDesign

The Art of Storytelling in Interior Design: How to Craft Spaces that Captivate Designer Homez

Interior design has long transcended its role in simply arranging furniture and choosing paint colours. Today, it’s about crafting environments that tell a story, spaces that resonate with the user on a deeper level and evoke specific emotions. This approach, known as storytelling in design, is a powerful tool for architects and interior designers alike. […]

Journey of Determination & Resilience: Supriya Agarwal

1. What inspired you to transition from interior design to establishing your bespoke interior studio, “Style & Spaces”? My transition from interior design to establishing my bespoke interior studio, “Style & Spaces,” was inspired by a combination of factors rooted in my passion, creativity, and desire for personalized design solutions. My journey began with a […]

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