It’s a cozy winter morning, the tree is decked up, in all its glory. A warm cuppa in your hand and Frank Sinatra is belting out “Baby it’s cold outside” on the vinyl player!
It’s officially winter and we’re in the mood for some self care!
Self care is basically intentional actions that honour your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Looking after and honouring yourself.
Many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) in the winter and practicing these self are activities can greatly help!
Here are some practical ways to practice self care on those chilly days
Adjust your sleep schedule. Darker winter days can affect your sleep-wake cycle. This depends on the light we’re exposed to. Light suppresses melatonin, a sleep hormone that makes us feel tired and ready for bed. As it gets darker faster, our melatonin production increases making us feel sleepy earlier. Here are some ways to impose sleep quality.
create a bedtime routine
Limit light exposure 1 hr before sleeping. No screens please.
Dim the lights
Boost your Vitamin D intake. As the sunlight decreases, your production of VIT D is affected. Especially in winter yay places and certain parts of the world. -A supplement is helpful to make sure your Vitamin D levels are in the normal range. – Incorporate foods rich in Vit D such as fatty fish. – Spend time outdoors during the day.
Nourish your body with seasonal foods. It’s important to eat foods such as root veggies, winter squashes etc.Eating fruits like citrus that are rich in Vit C helps boost immunity, to prevent you from catching the flu.
Warm spices like ginger, cinnamon and turmeric help too.
Warm herbal teas are the perfect way to stay warm. They’re packed with the goodness of different herbs and vitamins. The warm spices also bolster immunity.
A cozy home environment that’s decorated for the season! This is the perfect mood booster especially in those cold days that can otherwise be so gloomy. It raises your serotonin levels as well as endorphins. Think soft candles, essential oil diffusers, cozy blankets!
Practice mindfulness and journaling. It’s a great way to boost your mood and start your day on a powerful and positive note. Reflecting on the day and celebrating your wins is also very important.
Hygge season! If you’ve heard of the Danish concept hygge you know what im talking about! If not, it basically means prioritising relaxation and contentment.
Good examples would be- curl up with a blanket and a good book
- Engaging in holiday baking or other activities
- Spending time outdoors
It’s the cold weather and we all forget to hydrate but that’s the worst thing you could do. Remember your 3L of water and keep sipping!
Create a self care Sunday where you pamper yourself! Think skincare, spa day or even a cozy day in. Relax and schedule one day a week to pamper yourself!
Try these and let’s give your wellness boost this holiday season!
Shared by : Dr. Prarthana Shah,
a health coach.