How businesses can support LGBTQ+ employees and consumers

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Every June, Social Media erupts in a vibrant display of rainbows as Pride Month takes centre stage. Businesses unfurl rainbow flags, launch limited-edition Pride merchandise, conduct sensitization sessions, panel discussions and a lot more. While this outward celebration is commendable, true LGBTQIA+ inclusion requires a deeper commitment that extends far beyond a single month.

Creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ employees and consumers isn’t just about social responsibility; it’s a smart business decision. Here’s a look at why:

  • A Powerful Consumer Base: There’s a study which shows that more than half of consumers from LGBTQIA+ community actively avoid businesses that don’t support the community. That’s a significant market segment to overlook. Imagine the potential customer loyalty you could build by fostering a truly inclusive environment.
  • A Thriving Workforce: Employee engagement is crucial for business success. When employees feel safe, respected, and valued for who they are, when they can truly be their authentic selves at work, they’re more likely to be productive, engaged, and innovative. This translates to a happier and more successful workplace for everyone.

A Culture of Innovation: Diversity of thought is the engine of creativity. An article from Forbes states that companies with inclusive cultures are 60% more likely to report increased profitability. By embracing LGBTQIA+ inclusion, you’re opening your doors to a wider range of perspectives and experiences. This fosters a more innovative and successful workplace where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas.

Moving Beyond Symbolism: Creating a Culture of Inclusion

So, how can businesses move beyond performative gestures and create a culture of genuine LGBTQIA+ inclusion? Here are some key strategies:

  • Cultivate a Safe Space: Establish clear non-discrimination policies that protect LGBTQIA+ employees from harassment and discrimination. And these policies need to be reinforced through all important documents- employment contracts, annual performance and increment letters, code of conduct. Moreover, every communication touchpoint should reinforce the right behaviours.
  • Inclusion stars with Awareness and sensitization- Sensitize your team on LGBTQIA+ terminology, pronouns, rights and microaggressions [Microaggression – Unintended but discriminatory behaviour] . These seemingly minor, unintentional actions can create a hostile work environment. By educating your team and fostering open communication, you can ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.
  • Benefits that include All Families: Review your policies like healthcare plans to ensure coverage for same-sex partners and non-binary gender needs. Expanding your benefits to be inclusive demonstrates your commitment to the well-being of all your employees. Don’t forget to consider parental leave policies. Include adoption and fostering for LGBTQIA+ employees who are building families.
  • Inclusive Marketing and Advertising: Move beyond rainbow washing [Rainbow Washing – Performative support for LGBTQIA+ community] . This superficial approach can feel inauthentic. Instead, feature diverse couples and families in your marketing campaigns. Partner with LGBTQIA+ organizations for sponsorships or joint initiatives. This demonstrates your commitment to the community in a genuine way.
  • Year-Round Visibility: Don’t relegate LGBTQIA+ inclusion to June. Celebrate coming out stories throughout the year. Promote LGBTQIA+ role models within your company. This ongoing visibility helps normalize LGBTQIA+ identities and creates a more welcoming environment for everyone.

Pride Month is a powerful opportunity to showcase your commitment to LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Here are some ways to leverage this time effectively:

  • Host Educational Events: Organize workshops or webinars on LGBTQIA+ topics. Invite guest speakers from the community. Encourage open discussions and knowledge sharing. This not only educates your employees but also fosters a sense of community and belonging.
  • Partner with LGBTQ+ Organizations: Support local LGBTQIA+ NGOs or businesses. Organize volunteer opportunities for your employees. Donate a portion of your proceeds to an LGBTQIA+ cause. This direct action demonstrates your commitment to supporting the community beyond words.
  • Celebrate Employee Achievements: Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of your LGBTQIA+ employees. Feature their stories on your company website or social media platforms. This visibility not only inspires others but also sends a message that your company values diversity and inclusion.
  • Do not stop with Pride Month: Panel discussions, sensitisation sessions, redrafting of policies, community outreach can continue through the year. In fact, having an ERG which plans monthly activities and includes all employees to participate in these activities will create ownership at an organisation level.

Remember, LGBTQIA+ inclusion is a continuous journey. By taking these steps, businesses can create a more welcoming and equitable environment for everyone, not just during Pride Month, but throughout the entire year. Its high time we went beyond a month and took a more holistic and sustainable approach.

Shared by: Sonica Aron 

Founder, Marching Sheep



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