Category: whats Trending

Embracing Identity: Navigating LGBTQ+ Struggles in Academia

In the quiet corners of Alliance University, where the rustling of leaves and the sight of green also has a small portion of whispered confessions from troubled individuals, that unfolds a profound narrative. As a psychologist who comes across these stories, I am entrusted with tales of courage, resilience, and profound struggles faced by students […]

A Coat of Many Colors

For a country with one of the youngest and most diverse populations – maintaining true inclusion where everyone feels equal, valued and empowered remains a constant challenge. As much as 36% of LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination and 65% tread with caution in the workplace. These figures are more than statistics—they are the silent echoes of […]

Reiki and Manifestation: Using Energy Healing to Attract Abundance and Fulfillment

Reiki and manifestation are two powerful tools that, when combined, can significantly enhance one’s ability to attract abundance and fulfilment. Reiki, a form of energy healing, involves the transfer of universal life force energy through the hands of a practitioner to a recipient, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Manifestation, on the other hand, is […]

Pride month: Legal victories and highlighting ongoing battles

Pride Month is a time for celebration, reflection, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. In India, the journey toward equality has seen significant legal victories, yet numerous challenges persist. This article delves into the recent legal amendments, the strides made, and the battles still being fought by the community in India. Legal Victories: Progress […]

Why are more consumers turning to buying whole spices instead of powdered spices?

For decades, the convenience of ground spices reigned in kitchens. However, a recent trend has seen a resurgence in the popularity of whole spices. This shift reflects a growing consumer desire to retain the freshness of the spices while exercising control over flavour, freshness, and quality. In this article, let’s delve deeper into why whole […]

The migration of Indian women workers from India to MENA countries

The migration of the Indian women workforce, particularly to the MENA region, has been a significant and growing trend in recent decades. As the quest for upward economic mobility and improved quality of life transcend borders, the United Arab Emirates has emerged as a powerful magnet for India’s female workforce. While India’s burgeoning economy does […]

Wrap Up Sustainability: The Rise of Green Gifting

No wonder, you may have gifted someone something wrapped in a shiny, colourful gift paper  kept in a plastic bag. Have you ever thought about what they do with the wrapper and plastic  afterwards? After that, it will most likely end up in the trash, and from there, it may find its  way to a landfill, beaches, […]

Zero-waste Living: A Collective Effort Towards a Sustainable Future

The Concept of Zero-waste Living  Zero-waste living refers to a way of life that seeks to minimize waste generation and maximize the efficient use of resources. It focuses on making conscious choices in our daily lives that align with the principles of sustainability and minimalize our impact on the environment. Key behaviours include rejecting unnecessary […]

How businesses can support LGBTQ+ employees and consumers

Introduction India has made tremendous progress towards the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially since Section 377 was decriminalised in 2018. In order to create an inclusive society where LGBTQ+ people feel secure and supported in both their personal and professional lives, there is still more work to be done. As business owners, we have a special chance and duty […]

Green Gifting: Celebrating Environment Day with Sustainable Choices

As we commemorate Environment Day, the focus on green gifting has never been more relevant. In a world increasingly aware of environmental challenges, the choices we make in our daily lives, including the gifts we give, can significantly impact our planet’s health. Embracing green gifting is a powerful step towards sustainability and environmental stewardship. Green gifting is not just about the gift itself but also […]

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