Spring Clean Your Diet: Tips for Healthy Eating as Seasons Change

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As the seasons change and summer arrives, one’s body needs time to adjust. Refresh your diet with healthy food choices for optimal results. Here are some tips for healthy eating to refresh your diet.

Seasonal transition can impact one’s body and make him/her prone to a plethora of health problems like colds, coughs, and common flu that can steal one’s peace of mind.

Now that summer has already begun and winter has ended, one should pay attention to dietary habits to boost immunity and improve overall well-being. The diet that one has during winter is quite different when it comes to summer. Eating mindfully can help one to easily navigate through these hotter months without falling prey to summer-related health problems.

Follow these dietary tips to enjoy summer without any hesitation

Stay hydrated

Hydration is crucial for overall health. The scorching heat and humidity during the summer season can leave one fatigued and irritated. It is imperative to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to ensure you don’t get dehydrated and lose bodily fluids. One can also opt for nariyal pani, chaas or nimbu pani. Try having green tea that contains antioxidants, making it a great choice during the seasonal transition. Herbal teas including peppermint, chamomile, and ginger tea soothe your gut and help you to deal with digestive discomfort during summer months.

Fermented foods such as kimchi and yogurt, idli, and dosa can be good for your gut and help improve digestive health by relieving abdominal distress.

Go green

It is a good idea to add green to your menu that is jam-packed with vitamins and nutrients to ensure you stay healthy. Vegetables like Spinach, fenugreek, and kale provide essential vitamins like vitamins A and C, minerals, and antioxidants which can help you feel more vitalized as the days get longer.  Ta-da, you will be able to function at your best during summer.

Incorporate more fresh fruits in your diet: Summer marks the perfect time to add more fresh fruits to your daily diet. Watermelons are the must-have spring season fruits due to their water content that keeps people hydrated throughout the day. Other fresh fruits like muskmelon, mango, and apricot can help improve digestion due to their high fiber content and vitamin C levels.

Avoid Junk food

Opting for a healthy diet over junk food is always a wise choice. One should avoid eating processed, oily, and canned foods and bakery items. Stay away from colas and sodas. However, one can also seek the help of an expert who can guide regarding what to eat and delete from the diet.

Shared by: Jinal Patel, 
Dietitian, Zynova Shalby Hospital Mumbai

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