Tag: Mindfulness

What Is Jaap Mala?

A Jaap Mala, often simply referred to as a Mala, is a string of beads traditionally used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism for meditation and prayer. The term “Jaap” refers to the act of repeating or chanting prayers, mantras, or the name of a divine figure, while “Mala” means garland in Sanskrit. Hence, a Jaap Mala […]

Mental Health Insights from the Characters of Prabhu Ram

Mental health is a complex and nuanced aspect of human existence, and exploring its intricacies through the lens of literature can provide valuable insights. One such literary masterpiece that delves into the depths of human psychology is the epic Ramayana, where the characters, particularly Prabhu Ram, offer profound lessons about mental well-being. In this article, […]

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