Tag: harnessing

My Journey as a Woman Entrepreneur: Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Digital Tools for Growth

My Path as a female entrepreneur has been nothing short of a roller-coaster ride. Along the way, I’ve faced many obstacles that at times felt insurmountable. Yet, the digital era has brought forth a surge of resources and chances that have not only assisted me in overcoming these obstacles but have also sparked and fueled […]

How female dominated PR industry can usher in a new era of Women’s Equality

In a realm traditionally regarded as a female stronghold, the public relations (PR) industry wields immense influence in shaping narratives, perceptions, and trends. This Women’s Equality Day, as we celebrate progress towards gender parity, it’s time to spotlight the dynamic realm of PR, where women dominate the landscape. The PR industry’s inherently diverse and communicative nature provides an opportune platform to drive transformative change and […]

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