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Tech for Education: Bridging Gaps and Fostering Learning

Every student has a right to dream and every dream has the right to be fulfilled. Education is one of the basic rights...



“Beyond Borders” suggests the idea of extending beyond traditional boundaries, limitations, or geographical constraints. Womenshine, India and AO NEWS, MALDIVES invites the Women...


My Journey as a Woman Entrepreneur: Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Digital Tools for Growth

My Path as a female entrepreneur has been nothing short of a roller-coaster ride. Along the way, I’ve faced many obstacles that at...

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Unlocking Creativity and Learning: How Art and Education Platforms are Empowering Children

Passé are the days when societal challenges such as social equity, gender equity, and racial issues were predominant concerns. However, in today’s competitive...

Cover StorySHE LEADS

Empower, Engage & Elevate: Shaili Chopra

Meet one of India’s most dynamic female leaders who is shaping the future of the internet by championing women and bringing them a...

Ajanta Hospital TEX