Turiya (Mamta Chander) – Bridging Eastern Philosophy and Mysticism Through Poetry

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Exploring Inner Landscapes: Turiya’s ‘The Vast Empty‘ Guides Readers on a Meditative Journey of Self-Discovery

Turiya’s collection of poetry, “The Vast Empty,” is a captivating journey into the depths of human emotion and introspection. With 65 beautifully crafted poems, the book serves as a guide for readers on a meditative exploration of their inner selves. Through themes of love, loss, and the human experience, Turiya invites readers to delve into their own emotions and discover the tranquility within.

The book’s essence lies in its ability to gently coax readers into a state of reflection and stillness. Each poem acts as a stepping stone, leading towards a deeper understanding of life’s beauty and one’s own divinity. Turiya’s writing is infused with empathy and compassion, resonating with readers on a profound level.

In “The Vast Empty,” Turiya’s words flow effortlessly, weaving together dreams and thoughts into a tapestry of emotions. With imagery reminiscent of flowing rivers and formless mercury, Turiya captures the fluidity of human existence, inviting readers to ponder their place in the vastness of the universe.

As an author, Turiya, also known as Mamta Chander, draws inspiration from Eastern philosophy and mysticism, as well as the natural world and the works of Rainer Maria Rilke. Her poetry reflects a deep reverence for life and a profound understanding of the human spirit.

Overall, “The Vast Empty” is a mesmerizing collection that leaves a lasting impression on its readers, guiding them towards a more introspective and peaceful way of being. Turiya’s work serves as a reminder of the beauty that lies within each individual and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

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